Holiday Panic (G)

Not to be outdone, I stabbed the Nether Blade towards him. He drew back quickly and dodged away from the Nether Blade, and quickly ran out of the yard.

Shang Yi and my aunty happened to be there when I ran after him. When they saw Lin Xiao, Shang Yi changed his countenance instantly and took out a talisman from his bosom. He threw the talisman out, and the talisman landed exactly at the center of Lin Xiao's forehead. A golden light appeared on Lin Xiao's body right after a blood-curdling scream of a baby was heard. The ghost infant was struck out of Lin Xiao's body.

Lin Xiao fell to the ground with a flop and my aunt hurriedly went to hold him.

Shang Yi had his daggers drawn and pointed at the ghost infant, yelling, "Evil creature, how dare you do evil and harm others."

The ghost infant roared and turned around, trying to flee. Since I stood behind him, with the houses on both sides and the road narrow, he really had no way to escape. Immediately, he shed his hideous face and begged me for mercy, "Elder sister, don't do this to me. I just wanted to meet someone. You promised to help me, didn't you?"

Shang Yi looked at me with utter confusion in his eyes.

I nodded awkwardly, "Yes, I want to help you, but you have to calm down first. Words will do."

The ghost infant looked so aggrieved and the vicious appearance no longer existed. He relaxed his vigilance and I slowly approached him. Shang Yi shouted at me, "Don't believe the words of an evil creature."

My heart shuddered and my footsteps stopped.

Shang Yi said, "The evil creature holds heavy resentment and he is sinister, don't simply believe what he says."

I hadn't made any response yet, but the ghost infant looked at me with a long face, pitifully saying, "Elder sister, I really just want to see someone. I just need to see her. This is my last wish."

I must admit that I was too kind-hearted. I could not be heartless when the ghost infant made a request so earnestly.

I looked at Shang Yi. He could not help but shake his head and put away the talisman.

"Elder sister, I will not hurt the elder brother named Lin. I promise he will get better soon. As in exchange, will you let me meet the person I want to meet?"

I nodded silently. He finally showed a smile on his face and his appearance returned to that of a cute and tender baby boy.

Shang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and strode towards him. Obviously he didn't trust the ghost infant very much, so he warned him in a stern voice, "Never play tricks on me or I will crush your soul."

The ghost infant nodded timidly, "I will definitely be obedient."

After that, Shang Yi carried Lin Xiao on the back into the house. He burned the joss paper for a while, lit the joss stick, and prostrated himself in front of Bodhisattva. He then got a bowl of water for Lin Xiao to drink, and turned around and said to aunty, "Don't worry, this kid will get better after a few days."

"Sorry to bother you."

"Don't mention it."

Shang Yi and my aunty locked eyes at each other as Shang Yi's face turned up in a smile. I felt that the relationship between them was special, and I had no idea from when they became so close. I felt a little uncomfortable when I looked at them so I turned to look at the ghost infant. It just so happened that he was also looking at me and smirked at me.

"Elder sister, when shall we leave?"

I snapped out of my daze and asked, "Who is this person you want to meet?"

The moment the ghost infant was about to speak, a rustling noise from my room sounded, Chubby Boy and Zi Yang came out with pale faces.

They had probably been watching Shang Yi burning the joss paper and performing rituals for a while. When they heard me speaking to the air, they were probably scared half to death.

The two moved towards the door with small steps, and said to me with a wry smile, "We will visit you another day, please take your time..."

If they had not come out of my room, I would have completely forgotten them. 

My aunty sent the two out. I saw two of them dashing out of the house as if they were fleeing for their lives and I exhorted loudly, "You guys slow down, don't panic."

How can one not panic?

If normal people saw what happened in the house just now, how many of them would not panic? I was accustomed to it and used to the unusual but Chubby Boy and Zi Yang had never seen such things. It was natural that they would be frightened.

I stared at the two of them from the window. After I saw them running away, I turned back and asked the ghost infant, "Who are you going to meet?"

"My mother."

I looked at Shang Yi and he nodded slightly at me. I guessed that Shang Yi already knew the background of the ghost infant and knew he was a ghost fetus. After he was born, he was strangled to death by his mother and thrown into the well to drown. Speaking of it, the ghost infant was a little pitiful. He was strangled to death by his biological mother when he was just born. It was pretty normal to have grievances.

A faint feeling of pity welled up in my heart. I asked the ghost infant, "Do you still remember who your mother is?"

The ghost infant nodded, "She is Yulan, Su Yulan."

As soon as these words were spat out, Shang Yi's expression changed again. He looked down and thought for a while and said, "Is it possible that she was the insane mad girl from the Su family in the county?"

The ghost infant frowned and said, "You are not allowed to call my mother with those words."

Shang Yi swallowed his throat and stopped talking. He dragged me into my room and whispered, "The Su family took that insane mad girl to the Thunder God Temple to see me a few years ago. The girl was being haunted by a lecherous ghost at that time. I helped send it away. It seems that the girl was pregnant with a ghost baby at that time."

I was confused. She was an insane mad girl who knew nothing. How could she have known that she was pregnant with a ghost baby, give birth to the ghost fetus and then even throw it down a well?

I looked at Shang Yi suspiciously, "Is that girl really insane and mad?"

"It can't be fake, can it?"

"What does a lunatic know? Was it possible that she choked her son to death and threw it into the well?"

Shang Yi seemed to think the same thing as me. He didn't speak and his eyebrows frowned tightly.

I remembered what Ming Si told me, the ghost infant was indeed strangled to death by his biological mother and thrown into the well to drown. Therefore, his grievances were extremely high, but did a lunatic really know how to do all that?

However, I had no doubt about Ming Si's words.

There was a long silence and Shang Yi broke the silence, "Anyway, let's go to Su's house."

"Okay, then you bring along the ghost infant."

Shang Yi was stunned, "Are you not going?"

"Why should I go?"

"I feel that ghost infant seems to listen to you more. You should follow me. Don't worry, I am here to keep you safe."


Shang Yi assured my aunty again and again until my aunty finally allowed me to go with Shang Yi.

Shang Yi's car was parked outside, further up on the road. The car could only stop there due to the narrowness, so Shang Yi and my aunty had walked in on foot.

After we got into Shang Yi's car with the ghost infant, Shang Yi handed me a ghost subduing talisman and said, "Take it and keep it instead of wearing a blindfold tonight."

"My heart cannot stand wearing no blindfold."

I got nervous everytime I thought of the possibility of seeing terrible ghosts anytime and anywhere.

Thanks to Shang Yi's ghost subduing talisman and the necrogamy with Ming Si, my life had been fairly stable in the past few years. I hadn't encountered any life-threatening events, but there had still been countless bizarre and thrilling incidents that had happened all around me.