Possessed by a Ghost

However, Shang Yi insisted for me to not wear the blindfold, saying that he could ensure my safety.

I believed in him, folded the ghost subduing talisman into the blindfold, and placed it into my pocket.

The car drove on a flat road and quickly left the village. After driving for about half an hour, we had almost entered the city.

Shang Yi still remembered the Su family's address, which was located by the county's edge. The Su family was wealthy, and they lived in a detached villa. According to Shang Yi, the girl named Yulan from the Su family had a high-grade fever when she was a kid, resulting in brain damage. Until now, they had seen many doctors, but she was still crazy.

Although the girl was crazy, she looked stunning and delicate.

When the car was about to reach the destination, I glanced at the ghost infant sitting by my side. His eyebrows were furrowed, but there was a cunning look in his eyes. I didn't know what he was thinking, but he didn't look very excited. He was expressionless and even looked calm.

I asked him, "Why do you want to meet your mother?"

"I'll have to meet her somehow. I want to know why she gave birth to me and chose to strangle me to death."

I didn't reply. It sounded like a sad story.

A lecherous ghost haunted Su Yulan and made her pregnant with a ghost foetus. If she were a normal person, she would definitely be able to do something like choking a ghost foetus. However, Su Yulan was crazy. What does she know? I don't think this matter is that simple.

Shang Yi glanced at me from the rear-view mirror, and our eyes met. He did not speak and parked the vehicle smoothly outside the Su's family villa.

At that moment, the villa was brightly lit even though it was already eight o'clock at night.

Shang Yi got out of the car first, beckoned at me, and strode towards the villa.

I called the ghost infant, and he followed me out of the car, walking behind me timidly. We were walking when he suddenly pulled me by the arm and said, "I can't go in. There is a talisman outside the villa."

Shang Yi seemed to hear the voice of ghost infant. He rang the doorbell, tore the talisman from the door, and crumpled it while muttering, "Where did they find someone to draw this talisman? What rubbish!"

After he spoke, he looked back at the ghost infant and said, "I tore the talisman, but don't you act rashly. Don't force yourself into the house. There is a talisman outside, so there is definitely a talisman inside as well."

The ghost infant nodded his head frankly.

I felt that the ghost infant must have been here before. He was obviously familiar with this place, but he had never been able to enter the villa because of the talisman on the door. So his ghost had probably just been guarding the dry well. When Lin Xiao offended him, he took the opportunity to trouble Lin Xiao and then he met me.

Suddenly, the door opened and rays of blinding light spilt out into the darkness of the night. Behind the door stood an old man with gray hair. He looked at Shang Yi in surprise and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Shang Yi smiled calmly, "Mr. Su, don't you remember me?"

The old man stared at his face for a long while, then shook his head, "Who are you?"

"I am Shang Yi from the Thunder God Temple."

The old man was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized, "Oh, it's Half Immortal Shang. Long time no see, why are you here?"

"I am entrusted by a ghost infant who wanted to meet Miss Su."

The old man's expression changed. His tone was not as friendly as it was initially, and he said forcefully, "My daughter is already asleep."

"Mr. Su, rest assured, you don't have to worry. If you keep letting Miss Su avoid me, I can't conclude what will happen next."

Shang Yi's words were somewhat threatening.

The old man frowned, looked towards me, pointed at me, and said, "Who is this little girl?"

Shang Yi smiled, "My friend's niece."

The old man didn't ask any more questions. He hesitated for a while, and said to Shang Yi, "Come in."


Shang Yi didn't enter the house straight but turned towards me. He motioned for me to take off the ring on my hand and let the ghost infant possess my body. I shivered and glared at him, "Don't even think about it."

Shang Yi groaned, "What are you afraid of? I'm here."

"I'm not afraid; I don't want ghosts to touch my body."

The ghost infant looked at me sideways, and a trace of displeasure flashed across his face. He said, "I don't want to enter your body too. Why would I bother."

"You shouldn't bother and stop using words to provoke me. It's useless. I won't lend my body to ghosts."

I heard a 'bang' sound after I shouted. The old man had closed the door.

Shang Yi cursed, "What in the world."

I was dumbfounded. The old man must have heard our conversation, got frightened, and simply disappeared behind closed doors.

Shang Yi went up and knocked on the door again, but the old man didn't open the door again. After a while, all the lights in the villa went out. It was dark and quiet.

The ghost infant's head dropped dejectedly, "Are they not willing to meet me?"

"Stop imagining things," I said.

I felt that the ghost infant was a bit pitiful. If it were me, I might have killed the Su family, but the ghost infant did not. His wish was just to meet his mother.

I asked Shang Yi, "What should we do next?"

Shang Yi sighed and said, "Let's go back first. I'll come back tomorrow."

This was the only thing we could do for now.

We returned with the same path we took to come here. Shang Yi took me home and drove away.

The ghost infant stayed with me. Shang Yi wanted to take him along, but the ghost infant didn't want to, so Shang Yi had to let him stay at my house temporarily.

As Shang Yi left, my aunty went to send him off, taking a long time to come back. By the time we returned, Lin Xiao had already been picked up by his father, and the house was very quiet. I washed my face and laid on the bed. The ghost infant climbed onto the bed, lay straight, and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

I turned my back against him. Feeling coldness on my back, I simply yelled at him, "Get down. You are not allowed to sleep on my bed."

He didn't say a word, got out of the bed silently, and squatted in a dark corner all night without making a sound.

I slept in a daze until the middle of the night. Feeling something touching my hand, I turned over and fell asleep again.

However, an ear-piercing scream suddenly awakened me, and I opened my eyes to find myself lying in a completely unfamiliar place. There was a person beside me - Su Yulan's father, the old man with gray hair.

He stared at me with horrified eyes, his mouth slightly open, and his face was as pale as a sheet.

I looked around nervously and realized that this was the Su's family villa. The old man and I were all lying on the floor of the hall. I was in a daze.

I was sleeping at home, how could I wake up here? Am I dreaming?

Impossible, this is not a dream. This is too real.

I leaned against the old man, stretched out my hand to check his breath, but was stunned to find that my left hand's skull ring was missing.

Could it be... the ghost infant possessed my body? Did he use my body to enter the villa?

My fingers hovered over the old man's nose. There was no breathing, indicating that he was dead.

My heart pounded, and I stumbled a few steps back. My heart felt like it was almost exploding in my chest.