I Can't Explain It

Under the sun, Ming Si's facial features came clearly into view. He had fair skin, murkey eyes, and the smile on his lips' corners was cynical.

I pursed my lips tightly and decided to ignore him.

There were a lot of people on the bus. If I started chatting with Ming Si without a care in the world, wouldn't I be treated as a weird person?

He seemed to have guessed what I was thinking, so he didn't talk to me and sat quietly with his eyes closed.

The bus arrived in town not long later. I picked up my bag and got out of the bus with Ming Si following me.

I walked about two hundred meters and reached my school. By that time of the day, there were already a lot of vehicles at the school gate. Many of them were parents who came to send their children off, and many people were walking in and out of school.

I walked into the school calmly and heard someone calling me behind me. It sounded like the voice of the class monitor- Su Rui.

I stopped and looked back to see Su Rui running toward me.

"Sixi, you came early!" He panted.

"You are early too."

"I'm a bit later than usual. Normally I would come earlier to read in the library. Would you like to go to the library with me later?"

I was taken aback. I thought for a while and responded, "Okay! Let me go back to the dormitory and put my things back first."

He smiled freely, "Okay, let's go together."

The boys' dormitory and the girls' dormitory were not far apart. We walked together, and Su Rui was standing on my left side while Ming Si stood on my right side. His eyes looked across me, and stared at Su Rui for a while.

"Who is he?" He asked me coldly.

I didn't respond as I was afraid that Su Rui would think that I was deranged, so I simply ignored Ming Si's existence.

However, I also did not talk much to Su Rui along the way. He was too quiet and shy, and it made the atmosphere a little awkward the whole way there.

When I approached the girls' dormitory, Su Rui suddenly stopped and made a request out of the blue.

He said, "Sixi, can I... look at your left eye?"

He is just curious.

I smiled, "Do you really want to see it?"

"Yes, I have always wanted to see it because I have heard a lot about you."

"Aren't you afraid of me?'

"Why should I be afraid of you?"

I nodded. With him having such courage, I decided to let him see my left eye.

I reached and took off the blindfold. His pupils opened wide as he stared at my eyes. I panicked, thinking that he was afraid, but he exclaimed, "It's so beautiful."

I secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was the third person to say that I had beautiful eyes. Ming Si was the first, and Silly Er was the second.

"It's like a ruby."

I pursed my lips and put on the blindfold again.

We continued to walk towards the girls' dormitory. Ming Si slowed down in his steps and walked behind us.

I looked back at him. His expression was cold, and he stared at me bitterly as if he was throwing a temper, suddenly resembling a child.

I smiled at him slightly and motioned him to follow along. I felt safe when he followed me. After all, I was back in school, and Xu Zixi's soul was everywhere.

He ignored me and continued to walk slowly.

"What are you looking at?" Su Rui asked me. He followed along my line of sight and looked puzzled.

"It's nothing."

... I went back to the dormitory and packed my things. After that, I joined Su Rui downstairs, and we went to the library together.

On the day school was about to resume, the library was the quietest place. There weren't many people there at all.

Su Rui picked a few extracurricular readings from the bookshelf and found a place near the corner to sit.

I picked a novel and sat opposite him.

Ming Si sat at the next table, squinting at both of us with his legs crossed. From time to time, he would grunt in disdain.

"Why are you always looking over there?" Su Rui suddenly asked me, leaving me in a daze.

He closed the book in his hand, looked at me in interest, and said, "Can you see ghosts like what the rumors say?"

I waved my hand quickly, "How is that possible? There are no ghosts in this world."

I didn't want my name to be spread as someone evil and wanted to avoid this topic as much as possible. However, Su Rui was interested and asked, "Then what's with your eyes?"

"I have an... eye disease. It's a genetic disease. I can't let the wind touch my eye, so I always wear a blindfold. Don't listen to those rumors; they are all nonsense."

"Really?" He seemed to believe my excuse.

I laughed bitterly, lowered my head, and continued to read the novel.

Swiftly, a pair of cold hands hugged me from behind.

"Not bad, I like it," Ming Si's voice came into my ears.

I felt his chin resting on my shoulder, nestling into my neck, and his hair touched my ear from time to time, making it slightly itchy.

I didn't know when he came over from the next table, he is always so unpredictable.

I swallowed my throat and wanted to stop Ming Si's behavior, but Su Rui was sitting in front of me. I couldn't lash out at a ghost he could not see in front of him, or he would definitely treat me as a madman.

I took advantage of Su Rui's attention on his book and quickly pushed Ming Si's hands away, glaring at him. However, the warning look in my eyes was useless to him. He kept pressing against me and even bit on my earlobe.

I gasped.

The library was too quiet. There was only Su Rui, a librarian, and I in the library.

Hearing my gasp, Su Rui raised his eyes in surprise. He stared at me for a few seconds, frowned, and asked, "Are you not feeling well? You don't look good."

"I'm fine. I'm just a bit cold… Haha…"


Su Rui glanced suspiciously out of the window. The sunlight shined through the window, and it happened to land on the both of us. He didn't seem to believe it.

"It's such a good day, and you're cold? Are you sick?"

He got up and stretched out his hand to lean toward my forehead, but Ming Si hit him before his hand could touch me.

'Pa!'' A resounding slap echoed throughout the air, and my heart trembled.

Su Rui panicked, and his hands that were hanging in the air started shaking.

He opened his mouth, dumbfounded, "Just now... it felt like someone hit my hand…"

"I think it's in your imagination," I said nervously.

At the same time, Ming Si gritted his teeth in my ear and said, "I am the only one who can touch my woman. Ask that kid to stay away from you."

I lowered my voice, "You let go of me first."

The words were addressed to Ming Si, but Su Rui looked at me blankly, "Let go of you? I… I didn't touch you."

"I wasn't talking about you… Uh, no, I… was talking to myself."

This is terrible! It's a mess, and I can't even explain it clearly.

Ming Si laughed and was satisfied with such a chaotic scene. His hand around my waist did not move away, but became tighter and tighter instead.

I sighed and wanted to explain to Su Rui, but Su Rui sat down calmly.

"It was probably my imagination."

"Yes, it was your imagination."

I echoed in a low voice, but I didn't know what to do. I always felt that Su Rui was aware of something.

This is all Ming Si's fault! Why did he have to butt in? What if he frightened Su Rui?

I always thought that Su Rui was a good person.

When Cheng Fengfeng and Bai Xiaomeng bullied me, he always came to my help.