Grow Up Quickly

"Are you worried about him?" Ming Si's faint voice sounded.

I glared at him, but he curled his lips and smiled. Loosening his hands from around my waist, he tapped his slender finger lightly toward the direction Su Rui was sitting, and the chair Su Rui was sitting on slid back. The movement was so loud even the librarian looked toward our direction.

Su Rui was taken aback. The book in his hand fell to the ground with a 'bang.'

He looked at me in horror before spitting out a few words, "What happened?"

I was dumbfounded. Ming Si is so bad. He frightened Su Rui like this even when Su Rui did not even provoke him.

"Is this also my imagination?" Su Rui's face turned pale and muttered softly.

I laughed resignedly, but I didn't know how to explain this phenomenon to him.

After a while, Su Rui pulled his chair back and continued to read his book calmly. However, I could see that he was starting to space out. Although he was staring at the book, I was sure that he was not able to focus.

I got up and motioned that I wanted to go to the bathroom, and left after Su Rui's nod.

I strode out of the library and turned directly toward the stairway.

There are very few people in this building at this time. There are two stairways. Most students walk through the stairway on the other side, and very few people pass through here. Especially since the entrance on the first floor is often locked.

The corridor was dark, gloomy, and had heavy echoes.

I looked back at Ming Si, who followed me, and said solemnly, "Can you not torment Su Rui? He is my classmate."

"So what about classmates? Can a classmate look at you like that?"

"Like what?"

Ming Si stopped talking. He raised his chin high with an arrogant expression.

He was very tall. My current height was not even up to his chest, so everytime I looked at him, I had to raise my head, which was strenuous.

However, I thought about it again. Ming Si displayed a typical jealous reaction, and my heart softened.

I cleared my throat and asked him, "Are you jealous?"

He glanced at me and sneered, "How is that possible."

"If you're not, stop tormenting my classmate."



According to what he said, does that mean he was going to continue fooling around?

"He is just a classmate. I have no interest in him," I said bluntly.

Ming Si raised his eyebrows, looked down at me, smiled, and asked, "Then who are you interested in?"

Do you still need to ask?

Is he stupid or foolish, or just slow-witted?

Since I met him when I was ten years old, I knew that I was completely fascinated by him. Although he was not a human, he was still my husband. Since we had a necrogamy, I would only be loyal to him in my life.

I dared to say that I am a faithful person.

I didn't speak, but he smiled.

"I'll wait for you, so grow up quickly. We still haven't had our wedding night," He smirked and approached me with one step, pushing me to the foot of the wall.

His slender fingers lifted my chin, lowered his head and kissed me.

My age was still young, and I was a little evasive about such an intimate act, but I could not refuse him. After the last incident, I discovered that his small heart was made out of glass!

I can't hurt him. I absolutely can't hurt him… If I hurt him, he won't show up for a long time and will make me anxiously wait for him.

Ming Si's whole body was cold, even his lips were cold.

He kissed me and it felt like my lips were touching a piece of soft i[ce.

"What's with your intoxicated look?" An enigmatic voice sounded. I turned my head subconsciously, breaking Ming Si's kiss, and saw Cheng Fengfeng standing in the corridor looking at me with surprise.

She was holding a few books in her hand. It was apparent that she had come to return the books.

I laughed bitterly, and said hurriedly, "I'm just thinking about life, haha…"

This reason felt even far-fetched to me but Cheng Fengfeng actually believed it. She believed it!

"Those who didn't know would think that you're practicing how to kiss," She murmured and walked into the library.

I looked inside and saw Su Rui sitting in his original position, but there was another person next to him. A girl wearing a white nightdress with long black hair straight down her back.

I could only see her back but what I saw made my head feel like it was going to burst.

That is... Xu Zixi!

I quickly took out the ghost subduing talisman Shang Yi gave me from my pocket, about to stuff it into the blindfold. Ming Si grabbed my hand and said word by word, "You put that thing in and you won't be able to see me."

"But, I don't want to see what I shouldn't see either."

I still remembered what happened that day at the Su's family villa. In order to deal with the ghost infant, I held the only talisman in my hand so tightly that it almost crumpled into a ball of spoilt paper. Later, Shang Yi gave me a few more talismans but I never had the time to put one into the blindfold. It felt good to be able to look at Ming Si along the way, but Xu Zixi's intrusion reminded me of it.

I had to put the ghost subduing talisman into the blindfold again.

Ming Si hesitated for a few seconds and finally let go of my hand.

I folded the ghost subduing talisman into a small rectangle and stuffed it into the blindfold. I quickly put the blindfold on and felt more at ease.

However, I was no longer able to see Ming Si. I couldn't even hear his voice. I looked back in the library and saw Su Rui sitting alone.

I was a little afraid to go in still however, because I had seen Xu Zixi sitting there before. Even though I was wearing a blindfold at the moment, I was still a little scared.

I turned around, leaned against the wall and reached out to take off the blindfold. I thought Ming Si would still be in front of me, but the moment I removed the blindfold, Xu Zixi's hideous and distorted face greeted me.

I shouted, held my head and squatted down, shrinking in the corner, frightened.

Feeling a gust of wind passing over my head, I did not dare to raise my head and felt a cold hand land on my shoulder.

"I didn't harm you. I even saved your life. You can't treat me like this…" I shouted, trying to build up my courage. However, it was undeniable that I held some responsibility for Xu Zixi's death.

At that time, I was so frightened by Ah Zi that I ran away and did not take Xu Zixi who was behind me into consideration. If I dragged her along with me at that time, she would not have become Ah Zi's scapegoat.

However, even if Ah Zi stopped pestering Xu Zixi, someone else would eventually become the victim. The scapegoat ghost cycle was a horrifying infinite loop.

"It's me."

It was Ming Si's voice.

The hands on my shoulders increased in strength. Ming Si strengthened his voice and said loudly, "It's me, don't be afraid!"

I looked up carefully, afraid to see Xu Zixi's appearance again.

However, when I saw that it was really Ming Si in front of me, I punched him in the chest.

"Where did you go? Why did you run away?"

He laughed deeply, held my fist that beat him firmly and said, "You have seen all kinds of ghosts, why are you still so timid?"