Slapped Yourself Hard

I was on the bed of my dormitory room when I woke up. It was just me in the dormitory. The scorching sunlight came in through the window, temporarily blinding my eyes.

I sat up slowly. Every movement was painful as if my limbs were all out of their joints.

I reached out the phone on the bedside and glanced at the time. It was actually already past ten o'clock in the morning.

The whole dormitory building was silent.

I hurriedly got out of bed and went to the bathroom suffering through all my aches and pains to clean up myself.

I sneaked out of the dormitory and into the teaching building. Reaching the classroom, I crept through the back door. The teacher was talking on the platform at first, but suddenly he stopped.

I looked up and found dozens of pairs of eyes staring at me in the classroom, including the teacher's sharp eyes. I hadn't even reached my seat

I laughed bitterly, and heard the teacher yell, "Do you still need to come to this class? Get out. You are punished to stand until lunch break!"


My whole body was hurting and my legs were trembling and yet I was punished to stand the whole morning. I wasn't like I meant to be late.

I leaned with my back against the wall in a sloppy posture, so that I could stand comfortably and save a little bit of effort.

In the corridor, I could clearly hear the teacher's rattling voice and the students as they followed along to read aloud from time to time.

Trying to relieve my boredom, I stretched my waist and started to loosen my stiff joints.

However, a scene that happened in the infirmary of the middle school last night suddenly flashed in my mind. I couldn't help but blush.

Ming Si...

He slept with me to be precise.

I didn't even know how I left the school and returned to my bedroom.

I banged my head hard with my fist and secretly felt angry at the thought of everything that happened.

I was still in the flower of my youth!

I suddenly felt that I never wanted to see Ming Si again. Even if I did, I wanted to punch his teeth through to the back of his skull.

At that thought, Ming Si appeared in front of me like a gust of wind. He quickly got close to me and placed his hands on the wall behind me, his tall body entrapping me with his arms.

His sudden appearance gave me the creeps. The blood in my body instantly rushed from the soles of my feet to my head.

"You seemed to miss me just now."

He lifted his lips evilly with his deep eyes fixed on me making me completely overwhelmed with embarrassment.

I shrank down, trying to slip under his arms.

I couldn't face this evil wolf after what had happened last night. I only secretly thought of beating him, it wasn't like I could defeat him anyway. I could only dream about it.

He bent his knees against the wall when he saw that I was going to slip. This move completely ruined my intention.

"Want to run again?"

I didn't know whether to cry or to laugh, but I knew that my whole face was burning. My face must have been as red as a monkey's butt.

"I'm in time-out. Don't interrupt me. I will be miserable when the teacher finds out."

The door of the classroom was pulled open with a creak as soon as I stopped talking. The teacher strode out. He put one of his hands behind his back and pushed the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose with his other hand. He looked at me as if I was a monster.

He said sternly after he scrutinized me for a while, "I asked you to stand outside but you keep talking. I heard you muttering from inside."

I only just spoke a few words, didn't I?

I also lowered my voice intentionally. There was even a door and a wall in between us and the teacher could still hear it. The teacher couldn't have ears which reached around corners, could he?

"You come into the classroom. Stand at the back door. Keep silent and stand obediently."

The teacher gave me orders.

I had no choice. I got under Ming Si's armpit while he was not paying attention, and entered the classroom dejectedly.

The teacher also followed in from the back door. He gave me a harsh look as if I wouldn't be obedient.

I stood against the wall. The teacher screamed sternly, "Stand upright. Don't lean against the wall."

I immediately raised my chest and head and stood more upright than a military posture. However, both my legs were still trembling.

Ming Si leaned against the back door. He stared coldly at the teacher, who slowly reached the platform.

"He gives students physical punishment as a teacher?" He muttered. Then something shocking happened as I saw Ming Si raise his hand and snap his fingers.

The teacher suddenly slapped himself in front of the dozens pairs of eyes in the classroom. It was loud, and the action was quite ruthless.

He looked dumbfounded after he slapped himself. He was completely at a loss.

There was a moment of dead silence in the classroom.

He taught us literature and was also our class teacher. He was in his forties, with a rough-looking face and black-rimmed glasses on. He was not gentle at all and just looked nondescript instead.

In this school, he was the famous demonic teacher here, so we secretly gave him a nickname, Teacher Four-eyes.

It was common for him to punish students physically and it was even considered a light punishment for students who got a time-out. Thank God he didn't hit my palm with a ruler or chased me around the classroom with a broom.

Even though I understood the truth of respecting the teachers, I felt a sense of joy when Teacher Four-eyes got himself slapped.

There was a moment of silence in the classroom. The students quickly recovered from their shock and began to whisper to each other. The classroom was in a mess.

Teacher Four-eyes' face turned green, and he shouted, "Shut up. What's with the racket? Those who don't want to have lessons, I can give you a time-out."

He gave himself another slap as soon as he stopped talking.

I looked at Ming Si and saw a smirk on the corner of his lips. I was really at a loss.

I wanted him to stop. Was it really good to tease the teacher like this?

I didn't know who it was that couldn't keep a straight face any longer and burst out in laughter. Teacher Four-eyes kicked the desk on the platform. He picked up the blackboard eraser on the desk and smashed it into the corner.

The blackboard eraser drew an arc in mid-air and slammed it on the head of a boy who was covering his mouth and snickering. The boy yelled and almost fell of the seat from the force of the blackboard eraser. Luckily, he didn't fall as his deskmate helped stabilize him. However, there was a layer of chalk foam on his head where the eraser hit him.

Teacher Four-eyes angrily grabbed the ruler on the desk. He patted the table and screamed, "Whoever wants to laugh, just stand up."

Who would dare to laugh when the ruler was shown?

Everyone sat properly. No one dared to speak out.

Ming Si walked to my side at this moment. He put his arm around my shoulders and leaned heavily on me. He made me stagger and almost fall.

As I regained my balance, I heard Teacher Four-eyes yell at me, "Ji Sixi, what are you doing? You can't even stand well. What else can you do?"

My literature studies were quite good, I once was first in the class and now had to be at least third in my class. My minimum score was never lower than eighty-five points. Did he really have to be irritated over such a little thing? The time for our lesson was just wasted as he lost his temper and created such a disturbance.

"Come, come! You stand on the platform and let the whole class stare at you. I don't think you will dare do anything."

He steadily tapped the table with a ruler while shouting at me.