Strange Teacher Four-eyes

I sighed with resignation. I left Ming Si and strode onto the platform. I stood upright under the attention of my classmate. Teacher Four-eyes cleared his throat and picked up the book on the desk to continue the lecture.

Ming Si stood at the back with his body leaning against the wall. He crossed his arms over his chest and stared sharply with a cold face at Teacher Four-eyes on the platform.

I felt that he would do something terrible again and wanted to stop him, but how could I speak in front of so many people?

Teacher Four-eyes slapped himself again as expected when he just started to read aloud a paragraph of classical Chinese. He and the whole class were dumbfounded at this time.

I shook my head at Ming Si and beckoned him not mess around anymore.

"What's with this situation?" Teacher Four-eyes looked at me in blank astonishment. He stared at my left eye with a suspicious expression on his face.

I could guess that he was wondering why he couldn't control his hands and always slapped himself. I immediately stood up straight when he looked at me.

The deadlock continued for a few seconds and then the bell finally rang.

The whole teaching block burst into a fuss at that moment. The classmates couldn't sit still and several students were whispering to each other.

Teacher Four-eyes recovered and asked me to go to the office with him.

He took the book on the desk and turned to leave. I followed him out of the classroom and all the way to the teacher's office.

There was already a teacher sitting in the office. He glanced at me, picked up the cup on the table, and went to the water dispenser to get some water.

Teacher Four Eyes threw the book on the desk. He grabbed my arms fiercely and dragged me into a separate office.

This was the class teacher's place, but the class teacher was not in school this week. I heard that he went to the Provincial Education Bureau for a meeting.

The space in the office was not small. The interior was simple but magnificent. There was even a sofa and a coffee table there. Teacher Four-eyes sat down on the sofa with a stern face.

I stood aside obediently. I didn't dare to speak a word.

I didn't know why he dragged me in here but I had a sinister foreboding.

He glanced at me and was about to speak. He lowered his head and looked up at me again after a while. He opened his mouth but still said nothing.

"Teacher, do you have something to say?"

I knowingly asked as his expression was too obvious.

As expected, he immediately stopped being so reserved when I asked and said to me, "Sixi, I have heard a lot about your middle school stories. Your eye..." He paused and went on, "Is unusual, isn't it?"

"I have an eye disease."

"Really?" He seemed to not fully believe it.

I insisted, "It's an eye disease. Nothing unusual."

"Is your vision normal?"

"Very normal."

"Normal vision is considered as eye disease?"


His words made me speechless.

I looked at Teacher Four-eyes. One side of his cheeks was slightly red and swollen at the moment. I really admired Ming S, he made Teacher Four-eyes slap himself, and he slapped the same cheek every time.

We stood there for a long time. Teacher Four-eyes didn't speak anymore. The bell rang. He still seemed as if he was thinking of something.

"Teacher, can I go back to class?"

He looked up at me and murmured, "Didn't I ask you to stand all morning. You don't have to be in class."


Teacher Four-eyes got up and opened the office door about ten minutes later. I took the opportunity to look outside. There was no one in the teacher's office. The other teachers probably went to give lessons.

Teacher Four-eyes closed the door and locked it from inside.

My heart thumped for no reason.

He looked at me from head to toe. There was a hint of craftiness in his gaze.

"Teacher, I think I should stand in the corridor," I said with a wry smile.

I didn't know if it was my illusion or something but I found that the look in the eyes of Teacher Four-eyes was very filthy. His rough-looking face became extremely disgusting at this moment.

He moved a step closer to me. I took a step back and went straight to the door. Before he came close, I opened the door and ran out.

I heard Teacher Four-eyes's impatient voice sounded from behind, "You come back to me."

I ran even faster.

Come back? Impossible.

I ran back to the classroom in one fell swoop. The math teacher was drawing a picture on the blackboard with a triangular ruler. He looked back at me and said coldly, "What are you doing? Go back to your seat."

I patted my chest and quickly sat back in my seat.

I managed to turn my attention to the blackboard after I finally calmed down, but I caught a glimpse of a dark figure standing near the row of windows in the corridor from the corner of my eyes.

I slowly turned my head and looked at the dark figure in front of the window. It was Teacher Four-eyes.

He stared at me with his fierce eyes through the glass window in a cold manner. I shuddered and quickly retracted my sight.

When the class finally ended, I let out a sigh of relief.

I glanced at the window as the math teacher walked out of the classroom, and found that Teacher Four-eyes was gone.

I laid weakly on the table. My heart chilled at the thought of the look of Teacher Four-eyes when he stared at me.

A small ball of paper suddenly fell in front of my eyes. It was tiny. I didn't know who it was from, but it was dropped precisely on my table.

I sat up and looked around. Some of my classmates were laughing and playing. Some were concentrating on reading. Some were talking to each other. No one was paying attention to me. Who threw this little ball of paper over? Was it for me?

I picked up the ball of paper suspiciously and unfolded it. There was only a row of beautiful words inside. It looked like a girl's handwriting. The content was concise - Meet me behind the teaching building during lunch break.

There was no signature.

I looked up and stared at the faces of my classmates in the classroom. No one was paying attention to me.

During my lunch break, I walked the shady path behind the teaching building with a hint of curiosity. Most of my classmates went to the cafeteria to have lunch so there was almost no one on the path.

I found a bench and sat down.

The weather was beautiful. The sunlight passed through the gaps between the well-grown leaves and left dappled lights on the ground.

The dappled lights swayed slightly with the wind in between the large shadows on the ground. It was a little dazzling.

I waited patiently and imagined who would appear in front of me. After waiting for about ten minutes, it was Moya of the same dormitory room as me.

I was taken aback.

I got up to greet her when I saw her walking towards me quickly.

"Sixi, I'm sorry. You have been waiting for a long time," Her voice was soft, and she blushed easily, as always.

I was stunned and asked if she was the one who threw the ball of paper to me. She nodded, "It's me because I have something to tell you."

"What's up?"

She looked mysterious and looked around to make sure there was no one else but us. Then she lowered her voice and said to me, "My cousin used to study at this high school. Her class teacher was Teacher Four-eyes. I heard that Teacher Four-eyes is..." She looked a bit flustered. She was about to say something, but was holding back her words in embarrassment.