Chapter 9
Wasting no time Wesley began the match that would decide his fate in the Pokémon league. "Magmortar use Sunny Day!" He commanded. In correspondence, his Pokémon began to glow a bright white. The light seemed to progress upward along its body until it was focused within its cannon formed hands, pointed to the sky. "Maag!" it yelled as the light shot upward into the sky. As the light particles dispersed the heat in the building seemed to rise even further as the sunlight shined down on trainer and Pokémon alike.
Wesley smirked at the Gym leader. "This fight's already over!" he exclaimed. "Magmortar, Use Flamethrower." As it aimed its cannons at Shiftry, a blazing flame began to form and condense, and with no warning fire shot forward with a roar.
"Silly child," Calum replied. "That sunlight isn't only helping your Pokémon, he finished as he pointed to his Shiftry. Wesley noticed the soft glow upon its body, recognizing it as its ability, Chlorophyll as Calum ordered his Shiftry into action. "Let's show him real power! Shiftry divert the flames with Hurricane!" As its fan hands began to glow, Shiftry all but flashed forward as it brought its fans ahead in a thrusting motion. A deadly wind burst forward towards the flames. The pressure alone seemed to split the almost white-hot flames down the middle as the Hurricane winds continued forth shredding everything in its path.
Wesley, in shock and sweating at the complete reversal stuttered as he commanded his Pokémon. "Jjjump Magmortar!" As it leapt high into the air to avoid the shredding wind stream headed its way, Wesley noticed Calum shaking his head in disdain. "You cannot avoid the wind, ESPECIALLY IN THE AIR! SHIFTRY… UP!" he commanded as he pointed upward into the air.
An evil grin displayed itself across the Pokémon's face as it lifted its fans upward. The hurricane winds followed its movements to the T as they shot upward encircling the flame bodied Pokémon, shredding it apart.
Magmortar began to wail aloud as it floated in the air, trapped in an air bubble of wind blades. MAGMORTAR!!!" Its screams bringing Wesley out of his shock he commanded. "Get out of there! Use Hyperbeam!" As its cannon arms began to glow Calum smirked in dissatisfaction. 'Another amateur who clearly didn't train well with his team. Guess ill put them out of their misery.' "Shiftry stop its charge with Throat Chop!"
Wesley's eyes bulged outward as the Shiftry in question again seemed to flash forward in an insane speed. Its left darkly glowing fan slammed into Magmortar's neck interrupting its charge, as it gagged for air.
"Finish it with Dark Pulse!" As if dancing in midair, Shiftry flapped its right fan as its body glided and spun over top the burning Pokémon. It looked down into the pained eyes of the Magmortar beneath it condescendingly as a black shifting beamed formed and fired downward at it from its mouth. At point blank range it collided and sent the Pokémon back to the ground like a homing missile. The collision created an explosion of dust as it collided with the earth.
Shiftry slowly landed upon the ground on one leg as it bowed to the downed Pokémon. Spotting the unconscious Pokémon after the dust cleared Brody called the battle. "Magmortar is unable to battle, the winner is Shiftry. Challenger, please select your next Pokémon!"
Gritting his teeth in anger as he returned his Pokémon, Wesley shifted his gaze to Calum. Noticing the uncaring face of the gym leader only seemed to anger the trainer more as he reached for a second Pokéball on his belt.
Eying her father, Alice could only shake her head in sympathy at the challenger. After finding out her what type of gym her father ran, she just couldn't understand why her sweet dotting father would be a dark type specialist. But after watching him battle it finally clicked. His bright aura and character seemed to all but shift into darkness.
"Just goes to show, you can't really judge a book by its cover." She said to herself. Unfortunately for her, Wesley heard her inner monologue as he shifted his glare to her, causing her to flinch backward in her chair.
And unfortunate for Wesley, not only did Calum catch the interaction between his daughter and the challenger, but he watched as his little angel flinched in fright. Bringing forth darkness within his heart as his furious expression gave birth to his anger, Calum called forth to the challenger. "I don't have all day BOY, let us end this massacre!"
The vilest of grins seemed to spread across Shiftry' s face as it embraced the anger and darkness from within its trainer.
In a return explosion of anger Wesley called forth his second Pokémon. "Come forth and Annihilate Crobat!" Exiting the airborne Pokéball immediately, Crobat flew forward in frightening speeds.
'Silly boy' thought Alice as she continued to berate the challenger. Attempting to challenge my Daddy's Shiftry in a battle of speed while your Sunny Day is still active is quite foolish.
And right on que, as he ordered his Crobat forward with a Cross Poison, Shiftry replied with a quickly dodge step to the left and a Throat Chop to the face, launching the oversized bat toward the sky only to obliterate it in finality with a Dark Pulse.
Wesley dropped to his knees in shock at his now downed second Pokémon.
'It didn't even take him ten seconds he thought as he shifted his gaze to the gym leader, anger still ablaze in those hazel eyes.
"Crobat is unable to battle! The Winner is Shiftry! Trainer please select your third Pokémon!" Yelled Brody as he watched the down trotted Challenger.
'Poor kid' he thought. 'But you brought this upon yourself. Firstly, with your unpreparedness in battle, only for you to following up with scaring the daughter of the most terrifying gym leader in the region.
Unknowing her self to be the cause, Alice shook her head in pity. 'Better luck next time kid.' Thought the two-year-old.
*Master, an unknown Pokémon seems to be watching you. *
*'What! Where Where!!* She thought.
Mira pulled up the transparent mini map for Alice to view. Watching the Map like function, Alice noticed a question mark on it. It seemed to be situated in the dark top corner of her current building. Looking in the direction it showed, Alice noticed a pair of crimson eyes floating in the darkness above as the battle below progressed.
With a resolute voice Wesley called forth his third Pokémon. "Shake the earth and pierce the veil, Nidoking!" landing with an earth-shattering stomp, the purple horned beast roared. "NIDO!!"
'Why is this kid so dramatic?' Thought Calum as hey eyed the abnormally large Nidoking. 'This beast may actually give us some problems' thought Calum as he watched the last rays of Sunny Day deplete.
With determination Wesley roared, "Nidoking use dig across the battlefield!"
With speed unmatched for its size Nidoking dove beneath repeatedly, amassing holes across the battlefield.
Intrigued that the trainer before him was finally showing some wit as what he could only perceive as a plan, Calum watched as it unfolded.
Certain of his victory now, are at least to this blasted Shiftry, a grin formed on Wesley's face as he commanded his Pokémon forth. "Now Nidoking, full power, Sludge Bomb!" Nidoking' s voice reverberated across the wide expanse of the gym as dark purple sludge blast forth from every hole across the gym like geysers. "KING!"
For the first time since the battle began, a genuine smile blazed a path across Calum's face at the near genius strategy the trainer displayed. He knew instinctively with the range of this combination, there was no dodging this. So, he went for the next best thing, DEFENSE. "Shiftry form a protective layer around yourself with Leaf Storm and follow it up with a Hurricane straight downward!"
Following its trainers' commands, Shiftry' s left fan began to glow a bright green as the right counterpart glowed white. With a spin of its body, it danced across the earth as the green glowing fan shot upward and the white downward. A storm of glowing green leaves encircled Shiftry and shot upward in a storm as the hurricane winds blasted against the earth shooting the glowing leaves upward and out at sonic speeds as it shaped itself in a swirling green shaped mushroom, completely blocking the falling masses of poison.
'Ingenious as always Mr. Blake.' Thought Brody, as he watched the poison as it was completely reflected. His ah turned into shock has he watched the grin on the challenger grow deeper.
"Checkmate!" Screamed Wesley as he commanded his partner. Now Nidoking, End it with Megahorn!"
What!" Calum replied in his first display of desperation as he begrudgingly noticed the hole within the glowing mushroom barrier below his partners feet. He was trapped. Falling Poison from above and the blazing horn below. Calum could only exhale as the monstrous Nidokings body broke forth from the earth slamming straight into his Shiftry, Horn first as it dealt quad damage.
'Well Damn' Calum thought, as he watched Shiftry' s body surge across the battlefield and into the wall in an explosion of dust and debris.