Mysterious Ceo (2)

Nana pouted. "I got a new assignment" Nana looked at Yuri meaningfully. "Yuri I want to work in the field of development and not a reporter but why do I have to do an interview?".

Yuri pinched her eyebrows. "Isn't that part of development? To publish a high-quality magazine needs to be supported by news that is attracting the attention of the public, so you need to find out interesting facts so that your writing does not offend others".

"Really? But now my mind is deadlocked, it's all because of the duck," Nana said, looking down.

"Do you have a duck?" Yuri asked in surprise.

Nana looked up at Yuri. "Yes, and I have to take care of it for three months".

"Since when do you have a duck? And where do you maintain it?" Yuri was increasingly confused by Nana.

Nana got up from her seat while carrying the document Joon gave her. "It's a stealth duck so you won't be able to see it, okay then I'll go down to the location soon".

"This time which company?" Asked Yuri investigating.

While leaving Yuri Nana said. "Online game".

Yuri pinched her eyebrows and stared blankly at Nana who was walking towards the exit. "Online game? If it's One Shof, then Nana will definitely find difficulties, what the heck does Joon give this task to her?"

Feeling unacceptable, Yuri immediately went to see Joon in his office "Why did you do this to Nana? Why didn't you just send me?"

Joon took off the document and looked at Yuri expressionlessly, "Sit down first!"

Yuri sat obediently. "Tell me what your reasons are!"

"Mmmm .. I just want to see how tough the girl is, if she can deal with Lion, why don't we just try it on One Shof? Who knows she succeeded" Joon explained.

"But Nana is new in this country, I'm just worried about her, when she goes to KI Group I can still tolerate it because I know how his Ceo is, but this is One Shof, aren't you too cruel?" Yuri looked at Joon sarcastically.

"Let her study so do not disturb my decision, anyway she has accepted it" said Joon.

Yuri took a deep breath and then stood up from her seat. "I don't know why I feel that lately we rarely agree, okay I will go out because it seems useless to talk to you".

After saying that, Yuri exited Joon's room in annoyance, while Joon was used to Yuri's attitude so he wasn't worried.

Joon and Yuri have been good friends since university, Yuri had put a heart on Joon but she was only able to hold it in because she didn't want to ruin their friendship, besides that Joon looked close to many women and it made Yuri hesitant to make a confession even though Joon actually had feelings for her but he didn't realize that because in his heart there was only love for his high school friends who now live in America.

"Miss Nana. Here is the motorcycle keys and the motorcycle papers that the boss has prepared for Miss ...!" said the security guard who was standing in front of the exit.

"You mean the company prepared this for me?" Nana could not believe she would get a motorbike to complete the task this time.

The security guard nodded, and immediately handed the key in Nana's hands.

Nana took the key with her papers and then she saw the red motorbike parked in front of the entrance.

"That's good boss Joon. It's good now I have my own vehicle so I don't need to take the bus anymore" Inner Nana.

Since Nana can't use a car so the company prepared a special motorbike for Nana as a vehicle, it was all on Yuri's advice because she knew that Nana couldn't drive a car.

Before going to the destination company, Nana stopped by one of the biggest malls in Korea.


She walked around the Mall and bought some of her needs, but from a distance she saw the figure of a tall and handsome man who was walking towards her while chatting with the person next to him, followed by several guards behind him.

Ohh my God. it turns out the saying is true that the world is not as wide as Moringa leaves ?, And now why do I have to meet again with this duck stealth? Nana thought.

Soon after that she hid behind a clothing store next to her.

Oh my God. protect me from that demon, she is really terrible. Nana said.

Moments later Nana peeked through the glass, she saw the Lion group was far away, soon after that she came out of hiding and ran as fast as she could to the parking lot.

In front of the underground parking gate that was quite dark Nana walked to sneak in fear that Lion was still around the Mall, suddenly from the side someone pulled her hand.

"Aaaaaa ..... who are you?" Nana was shocked and hit the big hand that held her hand.

"Snake girl why are you here? Are you following me?" Lion asked sarcastically.

Hearing that voice, Nana got goosebumps slowly as she turned towards Lion as soon as she pushed Lion's body. "You duck stealth, you think I would like to follow you, this is a public place so it's only natural that I am here, so what are you doing wandering around working hours?"

Lion fixed his suit. "I'm here at work".

"Haa ... haa ... your reason does not make sense, what work in the Mall? You think I do not know that you are a CEO of a company, so you have no business here except just looking" Nana sneered.

Lion pinned his eyebrows and said proudly, "This is the Mall under my company".

"A mall this big?" Nana glanced around the Mall.