Mysterious Ceo (3)

Lion nodded and thought that Nana would compliment him and began to approach him, but the opposite happened.

Nana grinned at the Lion "That's just arrogant, later if there was an earthquake the building collapsed as well, so I'm already lazy to argue with people like honorable rich gentlemen, then I'll leave first".

Nana quickly ran away from Lion, because she was worried that Lion would recite and he could do bad things to her again.

On one hand Lion was furious to hear Nana's words, even though he was struggling to follow Nana when he saw Nana hiding in the shop.

Damn .. the snake girl always makes my blood boil, just watch out tomorrow I will make her regret ever agreeing to be my servant. Lion clenched his fist and gritted his teeth.

After the meeting, Nana immediately brought her motorbike towards the office that she was going to by using Google Maps.

»One Soft Office«

Not long after, Nana arrived in front of a unique building whose building was rectangular and used more clear glass so that people from outside could see employees passing by in the lobby.

This building is really good like the building in the game. Nana murmured.

One Shof's writing was quite large on the front of the building, just by looking at it people already knew that it was indeed the office of the largest gaming company in South Korea, with Nana's enthusiasm parked her motorcycle and immediately walked into the office.

"Excuse me Sir". Nana said after standing right in front of the entrance.

The security guard immediately looked at Nana's direction. "Yes can I help you?".

"I want to meet the boss of this company, is he in his office?" Nana replied.

"Do you have an appointment?" Asked the security guard politely.

This time Nana dared to lie because she did not want the incident at Lion's office to repeat itself, Nana just nodded "Yes I have an appointment".

The security guard immediately opened Nana's door and showed the way to Nana, but Nana was again unable to enter a room specifically for employees, as she was not a company employee, she was forced to only wait.

Cool, security in this office is very tight, so not just anyone can enter. Nana murmured.

"Hello sir". said Nana to the second security guard she met.

"Can I help you?" Asked the security guard.

"I have an appointment with Ceo of this company, to meet in his office but I cannot enter, is the security guard willing to help me in?" Nana asked.

"Mr. security guard who is this girl, and why would she want to meet Ceo?" Suddenly a beautiful, sexy and fashionable woman appeared behind Nana, Nana heard the voice and the security guard immediately turned around to see it.

"Good afternoon Miss Yun Hee, oh yes this girl wants to meet Ceo, but she hasn't told me what the goal is yet," said the security guard politely and respectfully.

Hearing the security guard's explanation, Yun Hee opened her glasses and stared intently at Nana.

"What business do you have with my prospective fiance?" Yun Hee asked.

Nana watched the beautiful girl in front of her, she thought that this girl was a high class jealous person so she had to really manage her words well so that her assignment could run smoothly.

"Oh, I was sent by my company to meet the CEO of this company". Nana explained.

Yun Hee crossed her arms then glanced at Nana's usual appearance.

"I don't think my prospective fiance has anything to do with someone like you, so you should just undo your intention to meet him!" Yun Hee began to look down on Nana.

Nana became furious with Yun Hee's powerful attitude.

Just as the candidates are like this, what if they become wives? the address will fail like this. Nana thought.

"Sorry, Ms. Ceo's fiancé candidate, I came here for work, so I will continue to meet this company CEO," Nana said.

Hearing Nana's words, Yun Hee glared furiously. "You dare to oppose me? You should immediately leave this office before I act rude".

"Nana?" a man's voice suddenly called Nana's name from behind.

Nana and Yun Hee immediately turned towards the sound source as well as the security guard.

"Jeha?" Nana said while smiling at Jeha.

Yun Hee glanced at Nana in annoyance. She knows Jeha ?. Inner Yun Hee.

"Do you know this hick girl?" Yun Hee asked.

Jeha smirked at Yun Hee without saying anything, instead he immediately stood in front of Nana while saying, "What are you doing here?".

"Oh, I want to meet the CEO of this company, but I can't," Nana said with jealousy.

"Jeha .. why are you ignoring me for this girl?" Yun Hee said while pointing cynically at Nana.

Feeling heard the sound, Jeha glanced left and right while saying to Nana. "Did you hear that sound?"

Nana smiled and understood that Jeha was ignoring Yun Hee, she immediately shook her head following the drama Jeha.

Seeing Nana shake her head, Jeha immediately said again. "Then let's just go in, the problem is terrible here."

After that Jeha pulled Nana's hand and rushed to the entrance, just by clapping her hand the door immediately opened, Nana was surprised because she just found out that the door was open only by clapping.

"Wow, so cool!" Nana was amazed.

"You can do it too," said Jeha, smiling at Nana. "But you have to come here often then you can. Hehehe" continued Jeha.