Mysterious Ceo (4)

Nana smiled at Jeha's words. While on the other hand, Yun Hee's expression darkened when he saw Jeha holding Nana's hand.

"Park Jehaaa, you're annoying, watch out for you ..!" Yun Hee shouted.

Jeha and Nana stopped after passing the door, then Jeha glanced at Nana "Do you hear someone screaming?".

and Nana couldn't help but smile, she immediately shook her head again.

"Maybe it's just my feeling," said Jeha when he saw Nana holding her head while holding a smile.

A moment later Nana glanced at her hand which was tightly held by Jeha, noticing Nana's gaze, Jeha immediately took his hand off Nana. "Ah, sorry I didn't mean it," said Jeha nervously.

"Ha ha, yeah it's okay" Nana replied with a chuckle because she thought Jeha's behavior was very funny.

»Jeha Room«

After that Jeha brought Nana into his room.

Again Nana was astonished to see such a cool room, everything looked sophisticated, starting from the door that opened itself just by clapping, and many other uniqueness.

Nanq sat on the sofa after Jeha invited her to sit.

"Is this cool room yours too?" Nana asked in surprise.

"Of course," replied Jeha, who was accompanied by a nod.

"So it's true you're an employee here?" Nana asked again to be more sure.

Jeha smiled while saying. "I already told you that I work at OneSoft".

Nana tried to remember. "Yeah, I forgot to be the famous One Soft, then you must know the CEO of this company?".

Hearing Nana's question, Jeha just smiled and right he wanted to answer Nana, suddenly his assistant entered.

"Boss, today you have a lunch schedule with a client from Hong Kong." Dae Ho said Jeha's assistant.

"Cancel the meeting!" Jeha ordered.

Dae Ho panicked. "But boss ..."

"There is no word but" replied Jeha with a deadly cold expression.

Seeing the terrible gaze of his boss Dae Ho immediately looked down, "yes boss I will do!".

After that Dae Ho came out with a pale face.

For all OneSoft employees, their boss is a very mysterious and difficult to guess person, he leads the company firmly, if he doesn't like it there won't be a chance, but if he likes it he has to get it.

He is also famously cold outside but he is hilarious to the people he likes. but he always appreciates the work of his employees even though it cannot satisfy him, which is important for him as long as that person wants to work hard it is good.

Nana was confused to see the assistant calling Jeha boss. "Are you the boss of this company?".

Jeha glanced at Nana with a smile. "Do you think?" Nana guessed right away, "So you're the mysterious Ceo?"

Nana is really hard to believe in Jeha's appearance too relaxed unlike most other Ceo companies that Nana knows always looks formal. for example the duck.

Jeha nodded. "That's right, that's the title that people give me just because I cover up all information about myself".

Nana sees that Jeha is serious, so she feels relieved if Jeha is really her CEO. "Thank God, if you really are the CEO I was looking for, finally I can finish my work this time. Hehehe ...".

"Do you want to interview me?" Asked Jeha.

Nana nodded excitedly, but when she was about to speak suddenly the cellphone rang and it was from an unknown number.

"Wait a minute, I want to pick up the phone first," Nana said, pressing the receive button.

Halo "Hello?"

"Where are you?"

"Who is this?"

"Snake girl, Where are you?"

Nana felt furious when she heard the voice and call, she just realized that it was Lion.

The duck knows where my number is from? but why did he call me? Didn't you find it earlier ?. Nana thought.

"I'm busy, what's up?"

"Come to my office right now ...!"

"Are you crazy? I'm working so it's impossible to see you?"

"You are my servant, so you have to come every time I call you, I'll give you 10 minutes to reach my office".

After that Lion closed the phone, Nana was really furious, her expression immediately turned dark.

"What's wrong Nana?" asked Jeha when he noticed Nana's dark expression.

Nana glanced at Jeha with an annoyed expression "There was a little problem, oh yeah it seems I can't interview you today, but I can still interview you right?".

Jeha smiled and nodded. "Sure, you can call me anytime, I'll always be ready".

Hearing Jeha's words, Nana was relieved while saying, "Thank you for your help for the umpteenth time. I will repay if you later need help, then excuse me first."

Jeha just nodded and drove Nana to the front door of his room, after which Nana left Jeha's office.

After leaving Jeha's office, Nana immediately drove to Lion's office.

Along the way, Nana thought whether Lion would always disrupt her life in retaliation for what she did? should she run every time Lion calls her?

While the goal is to go to Korea only to work at the same time to escape from the pain that bound her heart instead of being trapped as a servant only to be tortured, is God playing with her?

»KI Group Office«

Moments later, Nana arrived at Lion's office and immediately entered the office but was surprised to see Hyun Ae's poker face standing in front of the entrance. "Oh my goodness, Mr. Hyun Ae why are you standing here?".

"Picking up Miss" Hyun Ae answered flatly.