Bring you back

»Kim's Family Home«

A moment later, Nana and Yuri arrived home happily.

Nana was suddenly surprised to see someone who was sitting chatting with Mrs. Tresia and Mr. Kim.

"Nah ... that's Nana and Yuri have gone home," said Mrs. Tresia while pointing towards Nana and Yuri who were quietly frozen.

Yuri glanced at Nana with a complicated expression while whispering. "My Nana, didn't I see wrong?"

"No," Nana replied, trembling slightly.

Mrs. Tresia stepped closer to Nana and Yuri, saying, "Why are you stunned? Friends come all the way from Indonesia just to meet you, but instead you just stand here"

"We were just surprised because he didn't contact us first if he wanted to come here," Yuri explained, holding Nana to sit on the sofa. Yuri obviously looked upset because Nana had told her everything.

The man looked at Nana longingly, her sweet black skin perfectly matched the shirt he was wearing. "Nana how are you here?" Raka asked after Nana sat right across her seat.

"Surely it is very good," Yuri answered representing Nana, smiling bitterly at Raka.

"Alright, you guys just talk first, aunt and uncle will go to the room first," said Mrs. Tresia while holding her husband into the room.

After that Raka glanced at Yuri. "Can you give us time to talk together?" Yuri glanced at Nana, and Nana blinked, after which Yuri said, "Fine, but watch out if you hurt her again!"

"I won't" Raka answered. After that Yuri left the living room.

"We're talking outside," Nana said as she headed for the exit. Raka followed Nana obediently.

In one of the seats in the front yard, Raka sat and looked at Nana who was still expressionless. "Why are you here?" Nana asked, breaking the silence between them.

"I have an assignment from the office, and I remember that you were at Yuri's aunt's house, so I looked up her address after finding her, I went straight here," explained Raka.

"What did you see me for?" Nana asked with a little cynicism.

Hearing Nana's cynical question, Raka looked at Nana gently, Raka immediately intended to grab Nana's hand, but Nana immediately hid her hand.

"Are you disgusted with me? Do you still hate me?" Raka asked in a weak voice.

Nana looked away from Raka's pitiful gaze, "I've forgotten everything."

"But your attitude shows that you hate me so much, is there not the slightest memory with me that you keep in your heart?" Raka asked.

Hearing Raka's question, Nana's expression turned dark, she thought that Raka's presence really tested her patience, how could she remember the memories between them while Raka was a beautiful memory that she tried to forget from her heart and mind.

"There is nothing to discuss between us, you better pay attention to your wife and child, because they need you more," Nana said.

"The child is born, if you want to come back with me then I will divorce Dania soon" Raka's words sounded so cruel in Nana's ears.

"Are you crazy?" Nanan's expression turned dark. "Yeah, I'm crazy because it's far from you, actually in addition to work, I also intend to bring you back with me" Raka answered without guilt.

Nana knows very well the character of Raka, but what she regrets is that Raka loved her too much but did not think about her heart.

Even though she and Raka were lovers who used to always make their college mates feel jealous, not only was their relationship established since they were in high school, their equally violent nature was the color of their relationship, although Nana's independent attitude often made Raka feel does not mean.

"Hypocrite, how can you divorce a beautiful and successful wife like Dania especially she gives you a beautiful little girl, I also see how happy you are on your child's aqiqah day," said Nana.

"Well, if you don't believe me, I will call Dania right now and direct her mentality in front of you," said Raka.

Nana glanced at Raka. "You will only do things in vain because I already have a future husband".

"Are you lying," Raka said in disbelief.

Nana smiled bitterly as she stood up from her seat. "Unfortunately I'm not lying. So come back with your family. Sorry I have to go in because I'm tired".

Before Nana stepped in, Raka pulled her hand while pleading for Nana's mercy. "Please tell me who your future husband is because I don't believe that you will replace me so quickly, I beg Nana to come back to me!"

"Ahh it hurts Raka, let go of my hand, you hurt me!" Nana grimaced in pain as she tried to release Raka's hand which pressed against her wrist.

Heavy footsteps could be heard approaching two people who were quarreling, he quickly pulled Nana's hand and brought it to his head.

With a dark expression Lion stared intently at Raka who was still surprised by his act that suddenly pulled Nana.

Lion said loudly as he tightened his arms, "I am her future husband"

Lion's sudden admission, succeeded in making Raka shocked, his heart beat uncontrollably, his gaze suddenly blank, who knows what pierced his heart when he saw the girl he loved so much in the arms of another man, really it was very painful for him.

Is this as painful as Nana felt when she saw me marry Dania? Inner Raka.

"Lion let me go ...!" Nana whispered to Lion. Besides being shocked by Lion's confession, she also did not want to make new gossip, though angry he did not want to see Raka misunderstood.

"Sorry we will have dinner soon, you better leave the house immediately," Lion said firmly without regard to Nana's whisper.