A promise

Raka looks uncomfortable. He glanced at Nana who was still in the Lion's arms and said, "Nana I know who you are, and one thing you must remember, if at any time I will never give up to get you back".

"And you need to remember one thing too, I'm the one who will make you give up!" Said Lion.

After saying that Lion brought Nana into the house, and ignored Raka who was still standing outside.

Nana immediately broke away from Lion's muscular body when they reached inside. After that Nana stared cynically at the Lion while saying, "Kim Lion, I have warned you not to touch me, but today you have gone too far."

"Do you still love that man?" Lion asked. "That's none of your business and since when have you been home?" Nana replied curtly.

Lion put his hands in his pants pockets while glancing at Nana who still looked angry. "Since he said he wanted to divorce his wife".

"What? So you eavesdropped on my conversation? Is that polite huh?" Nana said irritably.

"It wasn't eavesdropping. I just happened to pass by, but I was forced to stop because I didn't want to bother you. So I just listened," Lion said expressionlessly.

"You ..." Nana raised her hand to slap Lion's face. But Lion caught Nana's wrist.

After that Lion looked at Nana sarcastically while saying, "I'm also fed up with a rude woman like you. At first I wanted to be kind but seeing your attitude made me change my mind, and as long as you know, I hate what I did today, it's all because of me. don't like seeing women being hurt, so don't misunderstand what I'm doing"

After saying that Lion immediately released Nana's hand roughly, and immediately left Nana.

Nana was still frozen, she was horrified by Lion's gaze. Why does my heart hurt hearing Lion's words? oh my God. why did you meet me with a cruel man like Lion ?. Nana thought.

When Lion was about to go to his room, suddenly stopped when he heard his mother's voice.

"Lion happened to go home once, Oumma was going to call you but thank God you were here," Mrs. Tresia said happily.

"What's wrong Oumma?" Lion asked.

Mrs. Tresia smiled while hugging Lion. "I just miss you, do you want to stay over tonight?"

Lion nodded. "Mmmm ..!"

Seeing the warmth of the mother and child, Nana's heart softened, she began to be confused with Lion, she realized Lion was actually a person who was so gentle but what if he was so harsh Lion?

After hugging Lion, Mrs. Tresi saw Nana standing there watching her. "Nana is here honey, you happen to be here, so let's talk!"

"But, I have to take a shower and clean up first, then what are we going to talk about?" Nana said.

Mrs. Tresia immediately nodded. "Is that so? Okay, then auntie will wait in the living room, you guys, please clean up first."

Lion and Nana nodded, after which they entered their respective rooms.

Moments later Nana came out of the room and went straight to the living room, and there were already Mr. Kim, Mrs. Kim, Lion and Yuri. "Nana is here honey!" called Mrs. Tresia. Nana smiled and immediately sat near Mrs. Tresia.

"All right, because all have gathered, we will immediately convey a good news," said Mrs. Tresia with enthusiasm. "What's that?" Yuri asked impatiently.

Mrs. Tresia smiled at Yuri, after that she glanced at Nana and held her hand while saying, "Honey, auntie really likes you, therefore aunt investigates who you are and aunt is very happy to know that you are aunt's best friend's child, and we once promised to match you our son is you and Lion"

Nana was surprised to hear Mrs. Tresia's explanation, while Lion looked relaxed.

"So we agreed that you should get engaged first, and next week we choose it as a good day," continued Mr. Kim with a smile.

"What? Fiancee?" Nana was stunned. While Mrs. Tresia and Mr. Kim nodded. Nana immediately silent, and suddenly the atmosphere became quiet.

Yuri glanced at Nana and whispered to him, "My Nana, why are you stunned? Do you agree or not?"

"Mmm" Nana is like a daze. "Looks like I have to call Mama first," Nana continued. Because Nana did not want to offend Mrs. Tresia who had loved her like her own child. "please, then". said Mrs. Tresia.

After that Nana excused herself and entered her room, immediately after that she immediately made a call to her mother.

"Ma, is what Mrs. Tresia said true?"

"Yes dear, and four days from now Mama and Papa will fly to Korea to attend your engagement"

"Ma, this is wrong. I don't want to marry a man like Lion, especially I don't love him."

"Don't tell me that you still love Raka?" Asked Mrs. Juita sarcastically.

"It's not like Ma, Nana still wants to pursue Nana's career, and also that Lion doesn't have the same belief as us".

"I know. However, we can not break the promise. In addition, they also agreed that the matter of beliefs let you decide before marriage," said Mrs. Juita trying to convince Nana.

"But this is still not true. What if you know Nayla? She can be angry with me even though she likes watching Korea but she still wants me to have a relationship with a believer, even though Nana's religious knowledge is still lacking, but Nana is still firm in maintaining my beliefs."

"We are not forcing you, it is enough that you know each other after getting engaged, so that it is up to you dear, later Mama will tell Nayla" continued Mrs. Juita.

"But Ma ..."

"It's just a pity this time, please follow Mother's request. Just get engaged, Tresia also knows the rules so she must understand"

"Why do you make such ridiculous promises anyway?"

"The length of the story, just agree with the pokok first, later if it does not match you can talk nicely with Tresia Mother just does not want to be considered broken promise"

"Alright then".