There is no Engagement

After closing the phone, Nana sat on the edge of her bed thinking. What exactly is God planning for her? she went to Korea just to work instead of having a relationship or even getting married to a Korean.

Oh my God, what exactly are you planning to do for me? I just want to finish my work here after that back to Indonesia. But now you make me in a pinched position like this? Nana thought.

After struggling with her thoughts. Nana came out of the room and sat down again near Mrs. Tresia, while Lion did not look at her in the slightest. "How is it dear?" Asked Mrs. Tresia.

Nana nodded while lowering her face. " I agree.

Hearing Nana's words, Mrs. Tresia and Mr Kim immediately breathed in pleasure, while somewhere Lion who had been silent began to speak. With a cold expression he said, "Why don't you ask my opinion?".

"Hehehe, sorry dear Omma forgot, but don't you agree? You guys have already dated a few times?" Asked Tresia.

Lion stood up from his seat, smoothing his shirt, he said, "There will be no engagement".

After saying that Lion went to his room, and of course somewhere there is a cheerful heart, if Lion refused it means that his parents will not be ashamed and considered broken promises.

Lion for this time you're great, I owe you one. Nana thought while smiling.

"My Nana, are you happy to hear Lion's words?" Whispered Yuri who had been watching Nana's expression.

"You know the answer right?" Nana asked with a smile. Yuri immediately nodded and joined in happy if Nana was also happy.

"Sorry Nana. Maybe there is another Lion problem, but aunt will convince Lion again later," said Mrs. Tresia, staring at Nana sadly.

"It's okay, it's better not to have to force it, it won't even be good, let's just let things go as they are," Nana said trying to calm Mrs. Tresia who looked worried. Mrs. Tresia was a little relieved to hear Nana's words.

After the tense conversation, Nana immediately returned to her room and immediately lay down on the bed and closed her eyes immediately so she could forget what had happened that day.

»Next Morning«

Nana was able to breathe relieved because today she was off as a Lion's servant. Ah, today I really can breathe fresh air in this beautiful garden. Nana thought.

After running around in the morning, Nana sat on a park bench while closing her eyes. And when she opened his eyes she accidentally saw Lion walking towards the swimming pool even though it was still 6 o'clock in the morning, curiosity arose in Nana's heart, and she quietly followed Lion.

From behind the wall, Nana tried to peek but unfortunately there was no one in the pool. Why so quiet? Didn't I see Lion, was that a ghost? Nana thought.

After getting bored thinking, Nana turned around to run away but she sucked in and fell. "Auuhhh .." Nana whimpered in pain. After that she looked up to see something hit her and it turns out it was Lion. Nana's eyes widened when she saw Lion bare chest.

"Aa, Lion you're a pervert, why aren't you wearing clothes?" Nana shouted hysterically while closing her eyes rarely so that from the gap in her finger she could still see Lion's athletic and beautiful body, she thought which woman was not tempted to see the beautiful scenery in front of her .

"Snake girl, what are you doing here?" Lion asked, narrowing his eyes. Nana looked nervous, while standing up she said "hahaha, yeah I just remembered that I wanted to swim".

Lion seemed to pinch his eyebrows "Is that true?" Lion asked, looking at Nana sharply after that he smiled cunningly.

Nana stared suspiciously at Lion. She too little by little backward until her feet reached the edge of the pool. "" Do you really want to swim? "Lion continued again. Nana stammered to answer." Aahh ... yes yes .. I'm not lying ".

Swear by whatever I'm lying, someone please save me, I don't know how to swim. Inner Nana yells.

"Oh yeah?" Lion asked as he approached Nana. I was so scared Nana back again and lost balance. Her one foot slipped and finally she jumped in the pool.

"Please!" Nana shouted as she regulated her breathing. "Help me !" Nana kept trying to balance her body until she had difficulty breathing.

"Why do you ask for help? Don't you want to swim?" Lion asked, smiling watching Nana who was like a fish that lacked water. "Actually I can't swim."

Hearing Nana's confession, Lion's expression panicked. "Seriously you can't swim?"

Nana uses the rest of her strength to nod until she finally sinks, seeing Nana sink immediately Lion jumps into the pool and pulls Nana's body to the side.

After successfully bringing Nana up, Lion tried to resuscitate Nana by patting Nana's cheeks. "Nana please wake up!" Lion was so panicked his heart seemed to stop seeing Nana lying.

Because Nana didn't wake up either, finally Lion gave artificial breath many times to Nana.

"Ukkhhukkk ... ukkkhhuukkk ..." Nana finally realized, Lion was relieved to see Nana realized, reflexively she hugged Nana. "Your snake girl is making me sick," Lion said unconsciously.

"Lion let go of me, your hug makes it hard to breathe!" Nana said whining to Lion. Hearing Nana's words, Lion immediately let go of his wound, and looked at Nana while saying, "You're troublesome"

After saying that, Lion got up from his seat and immediately left Nana alone. Nana was confused by Lion's changing attitude.