Cannot be Controlled

Not yet Albert answered, Maurin emerged from behind the restaurant entrance, she wore a knee-length pink dress, long thick hair on a ponytail, her smile was sweet, her skin was white and her lips were pink and soft-looking.

"Good afternoon Lion senior, glad to meet again". said Maurin while sitting next to Lion.

While Albert seemed to smile seeing Lion's expression, he knew that Lion did not like Maurin, even he had thought that Lion liked the same sex.

"Afternoon," said Lion without glancing at Maurin.

Maurin is the rich heir of a well-known global company in Indonesia, she is beautiful and smart, but unfortunately she dropped her heart on a man like Lion who is rude and heartless.

Maurin tried to hide her true intentions by glancing at Albert. "Albert hasn't seen me in a long time, thank you for telling me about this place!"

Lion really does not like small talk, especially with people who make him uncomfortable, Maurin does look perfect, but not for Lion, Maurin is the same as most girls who chase him and it's boring.

Lion stood up while wearing his glasses. "Sorry, I'm leaving because I have something to do."

Maurin's expression darkened and he lost his composure, "Wait Lion!".

Albert was only a spectator, while Lion stopped walking without turning around to look at Maurin.

"Lion like this is the way you welcome guests in your country? Is that polite?" Maurin ventured to reprimand Lion.

"I never invited you," Lion said curtly.

Hear Lion's words. The red maurin's face turned bright and shy.

"You did not invite me. But don't we already know? You and my uncle have a partnership, so at least treat me as a friend," said Maurin.

"That's your uncle, aren't you right?" Lion replied. After saying that Lion continued his steps.

"Lion wait, if you don't treat me well, then I will ask my uncle to cut off his partnership with you," said Maurin, shouting.

Hearing Maurin's words, Lion stopped and turned around while opening his glasses.

Lion walked back to Maurin and Albert, seeing Lion Maurin returned to smile. Lion stood right in front of Maurin while acting, "I am Kim Lion, no one can control me. And you don't need to bother asking your uncle to cut off his partnership with me. Because I will do it first. He who needs me is not me, you understand? "

With a dark expression, Lion turned around and immediately left the restaurant, heard Lion's words, Maurin was shocked and worried, and she knew that her uncle had tried to work with KI Group. She just wanted to bluff, but it turns out that Lion is not a man who has compassion.

Maurin looked at Albert wistfully. "How is this Albert? I'm just bluffing but why does Lion take it seriously?".

Albert knew the Lion's character and shook his head. "You have wasted my efforts, we just promised to sign the contract, but you failed, I hope you can explain it well to your uncle!"

Hearing Albert's words, Maurin felt regret. After that she and Albert left the restaurant. Lion came out with an annoyed expression. After that he drove his car leaving the hotel.

Lion is not a person who likes to be in a bridle, no one can control it, he is famous as a cruel and great businessman, he has a high IQ so he can always find a way out of all the problems he faces except love affairs.

On the way. Suddenly Lion remembered Nana. Without thinking anymore he immediately turned the car toward Nana's office.

Why isn't that snake girl contacting me again? Does he not need the motorbike? but at the reastauran far from the bus stop, taxis also rarely pass, or perhaps she called Jeha? This can't be allowed. I have to check it myself. Lion mumbled.

»Star Magazine«

A moment later Lion arrived at Nana's office. From the car Lion saw Nana was walking out toward the gate while pulling her aching legs.

Why the legs? Inner Lion.

"Where's the taxi? I'm tired of this," Nana said, glancing to the right and left.

Seeing Nana exhausted while holding pain, Lion immediately approached Nana after the car stopped right in front of Nana.

Nana was surprised to see a car that stopped in front of her. "Come in!" Lion said from the car, but Nana remained standing still ignoring the Lion.

Lion was furious to see Nana was awkward and didn't think it was there, with a dark expression he got out of the car.

Seeing Lion come out with a terrible face, Nana became afraid. "What do you want? Don't you feel satisfied doing me?" Nana said, staring at Lion.

Lion glanced at Nana's feet, he felt sick seeing Nana endure pain, without answering Nana's question, Lion immediately lifted Nana to her shoulder.

"Lion, what are you doing, put me down! This is my place of work to see people later," Nana said, struggling. Unfortunately she did not manage to escape from Lion.

After Lion managed to get him into the car. Nana tried to escape from Lion's car and pushed Lion's body.

But Lion immediately held Nana's wrist tightly. "Calm down, I won't hurt you".

"How can I trust a rude, heartless man like you?" Nana is really annoyed with Lion.

Lion carries a deep breath. After that he closed the car door where Nana sat. and soon after that Lion got in his car.