Not an Ordinary Dinner (1)

While on the road, Lion glanced occasionally at Nana who was expressionless. "Where are you going?" asked Lion.

"To Jeha's office," Nana answered simply. Hearing the name Jeha, Lion stopped suddenly, obviously Nana was immediately shocked and almost sucked "Can you not bring the car huh?" Nana shouted.

Lion took a breath and glanced at Nana with a cynical look, sure enough Nana immediately shut up and tremble.

"Mmm. Be careful next time because it might jeopardize our safety," Nana said.

Although Nana had lowered her voice, but Lion still looked at her cynically, seeing that Nana was even more horrified.

Oh My God. Nana is afraid of this demon, do I have to read the verse kursi so that he can stop staring at me? but he's a human. Ah, it feels like wanting to learn the science of disappearing just like uncle jin who just say tell me to disappear immediately. Nana thought as she swallowed deeply.

"Are you cursing me?" Lion asked, searching the meaning behind Nana's residence.

Nana was surprised to hear Lion's question, "No, I'm just confused, why did you stop suddenly?"

Lion fixed his seat while looking away from Nana, "Do you like Jeha?"

Nana shook her head. "Not"

"So why do you always be nice and meet with him often?" Lion began to excitedly waiting for Nana's answer.

Nana was silent for a moment. "I don't think it's your concern Mr. Kim Lion".

"You are my servant so I must know that". Lion replied casually. "Jeha is a friendly and kind man, he is polite and appreciates the differences between us, and it makes me happy to be friends with him," Nana replied with a smile. Lion grinned at Nana. "What about me? "

Hearing Lion's question, Nana's expression became complicated, she pinched her eyebrows and raised an upper lip without Lion knowing.

You're the meanest man, no one will stand near you, you're a cold-blooded stealth, I'm sure there won't be a woman who wants to be your lover. Nana thought.

"Why are you silent?" Lion began to impatiently wait for Nana's reply, which was still silent.

Nana glanced at Lion who was still motionless, suddenly she felt enchanted by Lion's good looks.

But actually he was very handsome when he was silent. Nana thought.

"I know that I'm handsome, so don't look at me like that, just answer my question" Lion smiled mischievously looking at Nana.

Nana was shocked and felt like throwing up hearing Lion's words, but how could Lion guess what she just said in her heart?

"Mmmm ... you are ..."

"That's enough ..." Lion stopped Nana's words, because he could already guess what Nana was going to say first.

Nana was frustrated by Lion's changing attitude. In the Lion according to him began to be strange and childish.

Right then. Nana's cellphone rang and it was from Park Jeha. Lion began to be curious when he saw Nana smiled at the caller.

"Who?" Asked Lion.

"It's none of your business. Just go on don't disturb people!" unconsciously Nana talked so casually with Lion.

Worse, Lion felt happy because it was the first time Nana spoke casually, smiling at his, without asking many questions, Lion immediately started running his car again.

But once in a while Lion put a good ear trying to hear the voice of the caller but unfortunately his voice is too small, just be advised Nana's cellphone is an old cellphone and has often been serviced.

I do not mean to be jealous, I'm just curious about who is the weird person who calls a shitty girl like this snake girl ?. Inner Lion.

While Lion was busy thinking, Nana continued talking with Jeha, after a few minutes of small talk.

"Nana, sorry today we did not meet, the thing is I have important business, tomorrow we will schedule it again".

"Oh that's okay, if I may know what important business is that?"

"The most beautiful woman in my life wants to meet me, she says she is homesick, hehee ..."

Hearing Jeha's words, for some reason there was a slight sense of discomfort in Nana's heart.

"Hehe. Yeah be careful on the road then".

After hanging up, Nana turned sullen. "What's the matter?" Lion began to wonder at Nana's expression. Nana glanced at Lion with a sad face. "What do you want to eat tomorrow?"

Lion frowned and was stunned to hear Nana's question and voice softening. "Do you want to have dinner with me tonight?" Lion asked.

Nana nodded "But you are paid"

"Of course, because I know you don't have money," Lion replied. Nana gets annoyed. "If you already know you don't need to be clear anymore."

"All right, then now you go home to my house, then we'll leave from there," said Lion.

"I have to change clothes, but how come my legs still hurt?" Nana looked down sadly.

"You don't need to worry, I have prepared everything, tonight we will have dinner, and I will take you on a trip to Seoul at night" for the first time Lion talked a lot and relaxed with Nana, but he was a little worried that Nana would reject the invitation.

Nana was silent for a moment. "Um okay," Nana replied. Lion was surprised to see Nana had been so obedient to him, but he didn't want to think much of the important thing Nana already agreed it was enough to make his heart happy.

While Lion took Nana home to his house. At the same time Jeha drove her car to the house of the person she loved the most.

»Ms. Jeha's Home«

A few moments later he arrived at a modest house, Jeha entered through the gate while carrying food ingredients after parking his car.