Shocking Announcement

Seeing Lion so close to Nana, the socialites were immediately hysterical.

"Geez, he wants to kiss it".

"Please hold my hand, it feels like my legs are weak seeing the display of affection from the idols of these girls!".

"I cannot accept this, even if Lion cannot belong to one of us, at least he is coupled with the more beautiful and classy".

While somewhere. Maurin, Hey Ran and FengYing were shocked and could not believe what they were witnessing, they were surprised to see how gentle Lion was to Nana.

Fengying just gritted his teeth without making a sound, she tried to control herself so that her meek image would not disappear from him.

But not with Maurin, she clenched her fist and gave Nana a deadly look. "This is impossible" Maurin really did not believe.

After a long pause, Lion pulled Nana's hand towards the front and took the mic from the show's MC. All guests returned to their seats while paying attention to what Lion would say.

Lion stood in front of everyone while holding Nana's hand. Nana was still not daring to look up, she was quietly obedient beside Lion.

I was so nervous, Nana involuntarily tightened Lion's hand and Lion glanced at Nana briefly. After that he returned to see everyone.

"I want to make an announcement," said Lion with a sharp look. All guests began to tense and curious.

Lion took a breath then looked at Nana. "The girl beside me is my future wife".

Hearing Lion's announcement, Nana was once again surprised when she looked up at Lion who looked at her meaningfully, she thought that Lion was giving her a new problem but she could only bite her lips because she couldn't protest in front of the crowd.

Lion Lion's success also made Albert take a breath, his expression turned dark, he could not believe that the girl who managed to draw attention turned out to belong to Lion.

So how can he fight Lion ?, he knows very well that if anything that is already in the Lion's grasp then no one will be able to take it unless they want to find trouble with Lion.

"This is impossible, why does it have to be Nana again?" Maurin bit her finger, there was a fireball in her eye.

Hei Ran stared disappointed at Lion, she tried to remember Nana's face and thought before the marriage took place, she still had a chance to win Lion's heart, especially Nana was nothing to her.

Feeling lost her appetite, Hei Ran chose to leave the event, because she was not willing to see the man she loved holding another woman.

Lion aren't you going too far? all this time I was loyal and patient beside you but why did you choose another woman? "Inner Hei Ran.

"I heard that Mr. Lion's taste is very high, not even a single woman has managed to touch and win his heart, but look at that girl, she is very ordinary and her appearance is very tacky so how can she be the wife of a great Kim Liom?" Whispered Fengying to her assistant.

"I agree with you, boss," said the assistant, trying to lick Fengying.

But not Fengying's name if she just gave up on what she really wanted, she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, all her wishes were always fulfilled, and worse if she had already chosen Lion to be her best man then no one could stop her.

Fengying smiled cunningly. "I haven't lost, I'll make sure Lion is mine".

Fengying's assistant knew his boss's character very well, she grinned at Nana and thought that Nana would be in big trouble when she dealt with her boss.

After the announcement Lion took Nana to sit at the VVIP table with Miss Fengying, Nana really felt uncomfortable as it was not an easy circle for her to understand.

Throughout the event Nana was silent. Lion was still holding Nan's hand tightly while chatting with Fengying. Seeing that Fengying felt burning in her heart.

"Mr. Lion, I think it's good if we go to China together, so we can relax, my private plane will take us to China later." Fengying tried to get closer to Lion and made Nana jealous.

Lion grinned at Fengying. "That's a good idea, Miss." Hearing Lion's words, Fengying felt happy as she managed to steal the opportunity.

"I will also bring my future wife and a vacation to China," Lion continued.

Fengying's expression turned dark, she was really burning with jealousy, but Lion felt strange with Nana, who had been silent all the time. "Honey are you OK?" Lion asked.

Hearing Lion's question, Nana looked at Lion meaningfully. "I want to go home," Nana whispered.

Hearing Nana's words, Lion turned to glance at Fengying and his other business partners while saying, "Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, it looks like I have to go home first, because by chance my future wife is not feeling well".

Once again Fengying was jealous of Nana, she had no idea that a workaholic and highly operative about the job, could ignore his business partners just because of a woman, but whatever power nobody dared protest against Lion.

"Well Mr. Lion, we understand that you want to make out immediately at home, then have a good night." said one of Lion's colleagues.

Hearing the pulgar words from the Lion colleague, Nana's expression became strange.

Making out what? later I got home straight thrown into the bucket. The duck does not have a brain to say carelessly, what if the panatic fans try to kidnap me ?. Nana thought.