I Don’t Believe

Lion felt that Nana was grumbling in her heart, softly he whispered in Nana's ear. "Don't try to curse me, later I won't free you tonight".

Hearing Lion Nana's words shudder in horror, she immediately retreated back and suddenly lost her balance and almost fell to the floor but Lion immediately caught Nana's waist and pulled Nana into his wound, "Honey are you okay ?.

Nana blinked her eyes when she saw Lion's gentle gaze, her heart was beating fast when she realized she was in Lion's arms and everyone was jealous of Lion's treatment for Nana.

"Geez, Mr. Lion turned out to be very romantic".

"Turns out he's not as scary as we think".

"Boss is great, but I think his future wife is too ordinary".

"Maybe that's what our boss likes, simple and innocent".

Maurin was annoyed with all the whispers of the Lion employees present at the event, while Albert just sat quietly while playing his cellphone, there was a slight sense of laughter in his heart to see Nana in the arms of Lion.

After saying goodbye, Lion immediately left the location of the event by holding Nana's hand without regard to all eyes on his.

There are guests who choose to go home and there are also those who choose to enjoy the food that has been provided.

A moment later Lion and Nana were in Lion's luxury car. "Are you ok Nana?" Lion asked when he saw Nana holding in pain.

"My leg hurts," Nana answered. "Have you eaten yet?" Lion continued. Nana shook her head with a wistful expression, "I'm still hungry and I just ate cake" Nana continued.

"All right, tonight I will take you to a place that you will never forget," Lion said.

Nana pinched her eyebrows, suddenly her expression turned weird, all she knew was that Lion liked to take her to strange places.

Where does the duck take me anymore? oh god, don't tell me. Nana thought.

Lion did not care about Nana's expression, he smiled cunningly at Nana grumbled. Soon after that he started his car and a moment later Lion's car was far from the hotel.

"Why did you do something stupid?" Nana asked. "I like it," Lion replied casually as he blinked.

"What do you mean?" Nana asked. "Because I like to see you upset" Lion continued. Hearing Lion's answer, Nana took a deep breath of holding back annoyance in her heart.

"Nana?" Lion's voice was soft in Nana's ears. Nana immediately turned towards Lion who was focusing on driving. "Um"

"Do you hate me?" Lion asked. Nana seemed to think. "No," Nana answered.

Hearing Nana Lion's answer immediately glanced at him. "Then?"

"What?" Nana asked. "If you don't hate, then you like me?" Lion began to feel excited by waiting for Nana's answer.

Nana frowned as she said, "I don't have any feelings for you so focus on driving!".

"I'm just asking so don't think about anything, it's all because I feel confused by your attitude that is always fierce, never gentle and friendly to me what more smile" said Lion.

"I'm just nice and friendly with people who treat me well" Nana replied curtly. Lion frowned at Nana's words. "Am I not nice to you? Am I so rude?".

"Yeah," Nana answered spontaneously and that made Lion's expression fall. Hearing Nana's answer, Lion was disappointed because that wasn't the answer he was hoping for, but he was increasingly curious about the feeling he was feeling.

This is not a feeling of love or love, this is just a feeling of resfeck because she's my servant. Inner Lion.

After a long pause Nana was suddenly shocked by the vibration of the cellphone's voice. Seeing the caller ID, Nana immediately smiled and picked it up.

"Am I disturbing?" Came Jeha's soft voice from across the phone.

"No, what's up?"

"Mmm. Do you have time tonight?"

Nana glanced at Lion, after that a light flashed on her head and a slightly crazy idea came into her mind.

"I'll send the location to you later."

"Ok, I'll see you".

After that Nana hung up the phone and turned to Lion. "Where do you want to take me?" Nana asked.

Lion remained silent, not wanting to answer Nana's question, instead he increased the speed of his car. "Lion what are you doing, slow down the car I'm afraid!" Nana was so scared she didn't realize she was holding Lion's arm tightly while asking him to slow down.

Lion stopped his car suddenly, Nana was immediately shocked and almost sucked in again.

"Lion ... you ..." Nana stared furiously at Lion. Not yet Nana was able to continue her words, Lion looked at her sarcastically, "Are you afraid to die?"

"No, I just love the life that God gave me," Nana replied. Lion grinned strangely. "God? Who is he?" Asked Lion.

"My God and your God" indirectly Nana told Lion about the existence of God.

"I don't have God," Lion said expressionlessly.

Nana's expression became complicated when she heard Lion's statement, she thought Lion was of another religion and believed in a god believed in his religion but Lion was actually worse than she thought.

"Why do you say that?" Nana asked in surprise.

"Because I can live without God, I'm smart and talented so I can do and get whatever I want including an ugly woman like you," Lion's words successfully made Nana stare in horror at her.

Nana took a deep breath and said firmly, "I don't care if you say I'm ugly or not, just as you don't recognize God, so I will never acknowledge your existence and one more thing maybe you can get everything you want except me , because I will never fall on an arrogant human like you. "

"-" Lion shuddered to see Nana's gaze, he was at a loss for words, for a moment they were silent.