The Impromptu Model (1)

Lion smiled as he repaired his seat "That's David, a mysterious man who is hard to guess, he's cold and rarely smiles or laughs and sometimes he often makes me curious".

"But wait, did you say because of a woman he left such an important event?" Lion gasped in disbelief.

"Does Mr. Lion know that he is married and his wife is Indonesian?" continued Mike.

Lion was surprised because the news was as harsh as he could possibly not know. "Really ?, This is amazing news, I became curious as to what kind of girl could make him melt?".

"I'm also curious, so I can't wait for the recipe later" Mike answered, while Lion seemed to nod.

"What about Mr. Julian?" Lion asked.

Julian, who had been quietly watching the message that went into his cellphone, was surprised when asked by Lion, "What am I?".

"Does this Mr. Julian have a girlfriend?" Mike continued.

"I'm married," Julian answered firmly.

Hearing the confession of Julian, who was much younger than Mike and Lion, made them both choke.

"Is something wrong?" Julian asked.

Lion and Mike smiled, "You are great to get married at a young age, if Mr. Lion himself if there is a woman who interests you?" Mike asked.

Lion smiled, "I already have a future wife and soon I'll introduce you to you."

Julian and Mike nodded with a smile, though half believe but they could not wait to be able to see a lucky girl who could attract a man who was like a rock like Lion.

The charity night was about to start, the president opened it by auctioning his valuables, welcomed by the belongings of several wealthy businessmen, including Mike who auctioned off the best diamonds from The Diamon, while Julian only participated to become an antidote he didn't have. nothing preparation.

Now it was time for Lion's belongings to turn, in a particular room Nana was pacing like a marriage, she was very nervous and her mind was blank.

"Calm down miss, you just have to pose as naturally as possible !," Brieta said and replied with a nod by Nana.

Moments later, the sound of the MC mentioning Mr. Kim Lion's belongings, Brieta immediately pushed Nana slowly to enter the hall and walk on the red carpet.

"I can not". Nana tried to beg Brieta to cancel her performance.

"Miss can do it!" Brieta tried to convince Nana.

Nana was still in her place, she was trembling and very unsure, for the second time Lion's name was mentioned, it made Brieta worry because Nana still didn't want to come out, finally Brieta had no choice but to pull Nana and slowly pushed her toward the red carpet.

Nana tapped and tried to support her body because the high heells were quite high.

Seeing Nana out all eyes fixed on her, and that made Nana's expression worse, she felt like running as fast as she could from this program.

"Oh dear, in this room there are so many people, where's Lion? Where is he? Why is he taking me to such a suffocating situation?"

"Damn I have no choice, but what should I pose? Should I play my eyes? Or move my hips ... aaaaa ... I'm very frustrated ... god if it's a payment from getting to know someone like Lion then I want to return it and live calm as always ". Nana thought glancing at everyone with a strange expression.

After thinking for a long time, Nana straightened up and improved her stance like a model, anxiously Nana walked onstage and further emphasized the necklace she was wearing.

"Ahhhh ... it turns out I can, ahhh this is just like cooking for a Nana who can't walk and smile like this, right?" Nana thought as she swayed on the stage.

Lion's expression turned strange to see Nana who seemed odd.

"Sweet and charming, I must get it." Said Gino, a young businessman who sat right behind Lion.

Lion's expression darkened when he heard what Gino said.

"Looks like I chose the wrong model, I should just keep it so that it doesn't become the eyes of the masher men on this program, should I turn off the weather and take him away quietly?" Lion thought as he looked at Nana without blinking.

Gino stared at the figure of the girl who walked slowly on the red carpet, his lips never stopped mentioning her admiration and issued a word of praise for Nana.

"Its perfect!"

"Who is that girl? Is she the employee Kim Lion?" Gino asked Kris his assistant.

"If the boss likes the girl, just ask Mr. Kim," said one of the themes.

Hearing the words of the theme, the young businessman named Gino smiled. His mind wandered imagining the figure walking towards the auction stage.

Nana is the girl that attracts her attention, according to her, Nana's beauty is the beauty of a charming eastern woman.

Lion furiously heard the chatter of the two young men behind him, Mike and Julian were confused to see the signs of Lion.

"Is everything all right, Mr. Lion?" Julian asked.

"There is a virus that I have to fix". Lion answered sarcastically.

Julian and Mike looked at each other, "Virus?".

"Is there really a virus here?" Mike began to worry.

Seeing the two pieces. Bewildered, Lion immediately said, "You guys just calm down this virus is just annoying, and you will see what I will do with the virus".