The Impromptu Model (2)

After saying that Lion stood up and tidied his suit then he went onstage, Lion immediately became the center of attention of everyone, especially the women who were at the auction.

Seeing Lion go up on the stage and walk toward her, Nana's heart beats so wide that her eyes stop in the middle.

Lion who has a tall body, with sharp eyes and a typical Korean face with a small diamond in his left ear makes all women do not blink at him.

Oh my god why does Lion look so charming ?, and what does he want to do? why is he getting closer ?. Nana thought.

Lion walked sternly toward Nana, his gaze so soft and charismatic in his luxurious black suit.

Mike and Julian were intrigued by what Lion would do to the girl.

After arriving in front of Nana, Lion stretched out his right hand with a smile.

"Honey, are you nervous?"

Nana seems enchanted by Lion's charm, obediently she takes Lion's hand. "Not bad?".

Hearing Nana's answer, Lion smiled and held Nana's hand to the end of the stage.

The scene successfully made everyone question the relationship between Lion and Nana.

A few moments later Lion took the microphone from Mc after that he looked at all the guests present.

"Good evening everyone, I'm Kim Lion wanting to auction off the high-quality items used by my future wife, starting with a limited edition dress from one of KI Group's luxury boutiques in downtown Berlin, and the latest diamond necklace from the company. famous in London namely The Diamon Group, for that I start its bid now "Clearly Lion.

Everyone was shocked when they heard Lion indirectly announcing who his future wife was.

Gino's expression darkened, he didn't think that the woman he was interested in was Lion's future wife.

"I won't give up, there's nothing I can't get?" Gino said with a cynical look.

"Wait, wait, boss! What do you mean?" Kris said, looking at Gino in surprise.

"Since when is the boss interested in an ordinary girl like that ?, She is indeed sweet but not sexi, is the boss lacking women?". Kris asked, because for as long as he could remember he knew that his boss was someone who liked to play with women and that was all from the upper classes.

Gino just kept quiet and stared cynically at Lion and Nana, while Julian and Mike smiled and saluted Lion's actions.

The conversations between Gino and Kris can be heard by Mike and Julian, with their intelligence only then they understand that the virus that Lion meant was Gino.

"Are you the same as me?" Mike asked Julian.

Julian smiling "love virus or parasite that is ready to stick, isn't that so?".

"Hahaha, Mr. Lion turned out to be a heavy jealous" Mike laughed while clapping, while Julian was quiet again and refocused on the auction event.

While the bidding was in progress, Lion glanced at Nana and felt Nana's hands were so cold, he also began to worry seeing Nana's strange and suddenly pale expression.

"Calm down," Lion whispered, staring softly into Nana's eyes.

The short Nana looked up to be able to look at Lion, "I'm afraid to make you embarrassed".

"You did well," Lion said.

Somewhere in the city of Seol, Jeha stares straight at Namsan Tower while Nana is far from him reach, he wants to catch up but does he have to put Nana in danger again? Lion is crazy, but will he continue to deal with Lion? both in the past or in the next life?

Namsan Tower at night looks so beautiful, some people seem to take pictures with their partners, seeing that Jeha smiled bitterly after taking a sip.

"They look happy now but tomorrow will they be like this? Isn't love just an excuse to leave each other?" Jeha thought as he watched the couple who were making love.

Jeha is really bored with the romantic drama that happens in the real world, because he himself must repeatedly let go, he thinks whether he is stupid? or indeed his heart is too weak to fight or maybe too afraid to see someone he loves unhappy?

Jeha smiled bitterly while enjoying his drink again, his heart filled with sorrow and revenge for people who have claimed happiness in his childhood with his mother even in adolescence.

"Nana Khalila, why did he have to get involved with Lion? Why? Why? Why did the past happen again, why?"

"Isshhh ... he's handsome but stressed."

"Yeah, maybe he just broke up with his girlfriend".

"Yeah, we should leave immediately before we become victims of his dispatch."

Who would have thought that people who are considered stressful are the genius Ceo of one of the biggest online game companies in Korea.

Besides he never wanted to appear in public, he also never had a formal appearance, so naturally, no one would consider him the owner of One Soft.

Meanwhile Nana and Lion are still enjoying the auction atmosphere happily.

Nana, who was nervous, turned into confident when she heard what Lion said that she had done her best.