Sleeping in the Same Bed

Feeling so comfortable beside Lion, suddenly a selfish feeling arises in the heart.

If allowed, I want to be by Lion's side forever. Nana thought while holding Lion's hand tighter.

Feeling Nana's tight grasp, Lion looked back at her, right at that moment Nana also looked at Lion with a smile.

The staring scene was watched by all the guests.

the women who attended the ceremony were jealous of the look of affection in front of them.

Even the president was even more impressed with the way Lion treated women, but there was a bit of disappointment in the heart of the president because he failed to make Lion as a daughter-in-law.

After all Lion's items were successfully auctioned at double the original price, Lion and Nana got off the stage and after that Lion brought Nana to join Mike and Julian.

"This is Mr. Julian, my new business partner and he's from Indonesia!" Lion said.

Nana, who had been silent staring at Julian with a smile on her lips, "It's nice to meet Indonesians here",

Julian also smiled "So Mr. Lion's future wife is an Indonesian? It is appropriate that Mr. Lion really wants to develop business in Indonesia".

Hearing Julian's words, Nana glanced at Lion in surprise.

"Just a small business," Lion said as he realized Nana's gaze.

Julian and Mike smiled looking at the couple in front of them, but they felt the couple was a little strange.

Nana also smiled as she realized Mike and Julian's strange stares, for some reason she didn't intend to straighten out if she wasn't Lion's future wife.

After the introductory event, Lion finally brought Nana back to the hotel.

Night is getting late under Berlin's sparkling sky, Nana and Lion get ready to sleep.

"Tomorrow we will go home to Korea, so rest!" Said Lion, after that he turned to get out of Nana's room.

Nana got up from her sleep when she saw Lion about to go, "Where are you going?".

"I already booked a room so I will rest there," Lion said with a heavy heart, though he hoped that Nana would prevent him from leaving.

Nana seemed to think, "Can you still sleep here?"

Hearing Nana's words, Lion cheered happily in his heart.

"Shall we sleep together?" Lion asked, trying to make sure he hadn't heard the wrong thing.

Hearing Lion's words, Nana's face turned red, "Mmmm I mean we slept in the same room as last night, but you still sleep on the couch, so then I go to sleep first, and if you want to sleep please turn off the lights!".

Lion smiled at Nana's wheezing, he took a deep breath and slowly took a pillow from the bed after which he immediately lay down his body that was tired on the sofa.

A few minutes passed, Nana had tried many positions but she still could not sleep.

In a dim room Nana glanced at Lion who was sleeping sideways, suddenly she felt uncomfortable seeing Lion sleeping on a narrow sofa, Nana slowly calling out Lion's name trying to make sure Lion was sleeping.

"Lion!" Call Nana.

"Mmmm," Lion answered, still in the same position.

Nana is surprised that Lion hasn't slept yet either. "Mmmm, are you comfortable sleeping on the sofa?"

"No," Lion answered spontaneously.

Nana gets even more uneasy. What else does she know that Lion must be very tired after the charity event, she also feels indebted to Lion who has been patient caring for her when she is sick despite the pain caused by Lion too.

Nana got out of bed and approached Lion, "Mmmm you better sleep in bed, let me sleep on the sofa!".

Hearing Nana's words, Lion opened his eyes, though not too bright but he could still see Nana's slightly bent face, "Go to sleep again, don't mind me, because tomorrow we will leave!"

Hearing Lion's words, Nana took a deep breath after which she returned to the bed.

The clock showed one o'clock, Nana still couldn't sleep she glanced at Lion again.


"Mmm" Lion answered, for the umpteenth time, Nana was surprised that Lion hadn't slept.

"Really, you don't want to change your bed?" Nana asked again.

Hearing Nana's question for the umpteenth time, Lion opened his eyes he took a deep breath after that he woke up and quickly walked to the bed because he was really furious to see Nana still couldn't sleep.

"Now I'm going to sleep next to you, so you stop asking questions," Lion said as he lay down beside Nana.

Nana was shocked, her heart was beating fast seeing Lion sleeping beside her, "Then I'll sleep on the sofa".

After saying that Nana woke up from her sleep, but had not had time to touch her feet on the floor, Lion pulled her hand and Nana immediately fell to her pillow, Lion quickly covered Nana's body to cover his face.

"Go to sleep, I won't mess!" Lion said as he turned his back to Nana.

Hearing Lion's words, Nana paused for a moment trying to digest what Lion said after that she thought to try to trust Lion even though she was a little upset with Lion's arbitrary behavior.

Without thinking about Lion again, Nana tried to close her eyes, she suddenly thought of Jeha, she wanted to contact Jeha but whatever she needed to stay calm, because that would trigger a fight between her and Lion.