Not a Fan

Jeha, thank you for being such a good friend, I'm comfortable with you, I'm thankful because God brought me to you, I hope in the next life I can say that I love you, you are the one who touched my heart first but Lion needs me more than you, I hope you find your happiness. Nana thought.

There were tears rolling down her cheeks, she had never expected that the path of love she had taken was so complicated and tiring.

After mumbling, Nana and Lion slowly fell asleep on the same bed.

It was true that Nana was annoyed, for a moment she was tempted to want to hug Lion's back.

Just like Nana, Lion also has the same feeling, his heart beats fast and with great effort he restrains his desire to embrace Nana, because he is worried that he will lose control if he embraces Nana, therefore he tries hard to be able to sleep.

»Office Star Magazine«

Yuri looks grumpy after finishing chatting with Lion.

Nana is my best friend, so it's only natural that I know how the time bomb can't be invited to work together, I also miss wanting to hear Nana's voice. Yuri thought, wringing the A4 paper she was holding.

"Oh my goodness, my A4 paper is worthwhile. How sorry you made it for taking it" said Joon who suddenly appeared beside Yuri.

Hearing that voice Yuri glanced at Joon with annoyance. "Aisss ... your gaze is really ugly, now tell you why?" asked Joon who had been curious to see Yuri's bent expression.

"I'm thinking Nana because the number can't be contacted," Yuri said sadly.

"Why don't you just call Lion?" Joon suggested.

"I did, but the time bomb said Nana couldn't be bothered," Yuri explained.

Lee Joon took a deep breath, "Yuri honey, aren't you overdoing it? Obviously they don't want to be disturbed, that means they are fine, never mind, let's have lunch!"

Hearing Joon call her dear, for some reason Yuri's anxious and upset heart immediately bloomed.

"Mmm, you go first, because I have something to solve," Yuri said.

"I'm waiting at an ordinary restaurant" Joon nodded after leaving Yuri while shaking her head to realize how childish Yuri was.

"Yes," Yuri nodded immediately, staring at Joon until he disappeared behind the door.

after Joon left, Yuri immediately ran to the bathroom to fix her makeup, feeling nothing was lacking Yuri immediately came out.

But her steps stopped when she saw several employees clustered.

"What are you doing, why don't you have lunch ??" Yuri asked.

The female employees turned directly towards Yuri.

"Ehh Ms. Yuri"

"We are watching Korean dramas, incidentally Min Ah just downloaded, initially I was not interested because of the old drama but the reting was really high in the first year airing and it turns out that the main character is Ryeon actor and singer who has won many awards, reportedly he is very friendly and has a good voice. really, he's also very handsome, I'm a big fan, aaa aaa ... "

"That's right Ms. Yuri, but after we observed, we agreed that Ryeon had something in common with the boss, let me see Yuri!"

When it concerns the boss, Yuri is immediately curious, she looks down at the photo of Ryeon shown by Min Ah.

"You guys are feeling, the boss is more handsome than Ryeon, instead he looks more like the poker-faced time bomb" Yuri explained after observing Ryeon's picture.

Everyone looked at Yuri strangely.

"Who is the Time Bomb?"

"Mmm that ... the ugly lion of the neighbor pet is very annoying". Yuri answered while biting her lips.

"Geez, I'm sorry brother Lion, I don't mean to make fun of you, aaaa ... this is because of a brother who doesn't let me talk to Nana." Yuri thought.

"What? Ugly lion? Isn't Yuri's eyes mistaken? Or is Ms. Yuri a big fan of Ryeon, let's admit it!"

Yuri laughed at Min Ah's words, how could she be a big fan of the actor named Ryeon, knowing he wasn't an artist, that meant she wasn't famous. except Yuri, who is not updated about the news of Korean actors and artists.

Honestly Yuri did not know, because Joon did not let the news about Ryeon be published in the magazine and the ad, because Joon did not get along with his brother.

"Listen to me, even though there are many Ryeon in this world I will never be a fan of him even if he comes to confess me, I will reject him firmly".

"Ahhh ... Your taste is not classy ... choose a younger artist, not the old one," Yuri continued.

After saying that Yuri immediately left the office to catch up to Joon, while the employees who incidentally Ryeon fans did not accept what Yuri said.

"Is she crazy? Our idol is said not to be classy?"

"she will become an old maid later."

"Eiiiss ... don't say that about Ms. Yuri, she is still 25 years old, not too old."

"The thing is she has just upset us, already knows that we are big fans of Ho Ryeon, but she easily insulted our idols in front of our own".

"No wonder she's single, he likes to criticize people, I'm really annoyed with Ms. Yuri."

"Ahhhh Ho Ryeon I love you ..... mmmuuuuuahhhh ..." Min Ah shouted happily kissing Ho Ryeon's picture.