Feeling Guilty

Jeha cries regardless of the woman in front of him, he really doesn't care what people say because life brings regret and guilt is very painful.

This time Jeha feels like he hates himself. Because for the third time, his best friend sacrificed himself to protect him.

Whereas Mayleen gave up her back, and his best friend in America gave up his head to be shot, now his friend and romantic enemy is giving up his stomach to protect him.

Lion only responds to Jeha's words with a smile, he just understands the meaning of true friendship that Nana always tells him, even Nana teaches him what friends mean.

Genuine friendship, not just because of need or because of wealth, but there are not only good times, but also difficult times.

Along with that, Lion's view changes and realizes that Jeha is his best friend. Therefore he practiced himself to protect his precious friend.

"Can you be faster? Because my friend is dying!". asked Jeha.