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Instantly, Shin was surprised and felt bewitched by Jeha's gaze. Suddenly her heart beat very fast.

Geez, what happened to me? Why is my heart beating like this when I see his gaze? But to be honest he's very handsome. Inner Shin.

"Yu Jin Shin, why are you so tense seeing me? Even though I just want to watch your eyeballs to know your honesty?". Jeha whispered in Shin's ear while giving a teasing blow to Shin's ear.

Shin immediately felt hot and cold when she felt Jeha's soft gust against her ear. She felt the blood jump up to the crown.

Hah? why my heart is beating like this, I'm afraid he heard it. Is this a sign I fell in love with him ?. Inner Shin, staring closely at Jeha's face.

"I'm ... not tense, but I'm just ...". Shin had not had time to continue saying yes, Jeha whispered in her ear again, saying". Next time you don't lie to me, okay I'll enter now".