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But Risya's expression immediately fell when she saw Lion open the rear car door where Nana was still sitting in it.

With the help of Nayla and Lion, Nana managed to get into her wheelchair. Lion lovingly corrects Nana's wheelchair.

"Honey, are you Ok?". Lion asked, leaning over to look at Nana gently.

Hearing Lion's question, Nana immediately looked up and nodded, after which she looked straight at her parents whom she had not seen for a long time.

Mama ... Papa ... Nana's mind with tears in her eyes.

"This is impossible. That young man is not the one. He is not Nana's future husband?". said Risya with a bad expression, she didn't like seeing Nana's family get good things because she was a friend of Julia and was also in charge of watching over Nana's family.

"Never mind Risya, accept the fact that this young man is her future husband Nana".

"Is it true that he is Nana's future husband?". Asked Risya again.