Apply (2)

Hearing Frans's answer, Nana and Lion immediately smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank God, thank you God for softening my father's heart. Nana's mind was deeply grateful.

Frans also did not want to delay it for long, because he did not want his son's bitter experience to happen again.

"How about you dear? Do you agree that your wedding with Lion will be held as soon as possible?". asked Juita as she turned towards Nana.

"Yes, I agree if it is the best according to Mama and Papa". Nana replied, looking down embarrassed.

Lion smiled with relief at Nana's answer, the girl sat right across from him, she looked down as if inviting Lion to lift her chin only to see her expression that was holding embarrassment.

"I think there are no more obstacles, Nana agreed so that your marriage will be held this week after Friday prayers". continued Frans with authority.