I'm the First

"I'll see who it is, you just continue eating the salty porridge, hehehe". said Ryeon as he hurriedly opened the door of his apartment.

But before opening the door, Ryeon first saw who was outside through the monitor screen near the door.

Mom, Joon? Why did they come here without telling me first. Inner Ryeon.

After finishing thinking, Ryeon hurriedly opened the door because he didn't want to make his mother stand for long.

"Eomma ...". Said Ryeon when the door was opened, but his gaze looked sharp when he saw Joon standing like a statue beside his mother.

"Where is my daughter-in-law?". asked his Eomma with an annoyed face.

"Inside Eomma ...". Ryeon replied while showing the direction of his room.

Regardless of the coldness of her child. Ryeon's mother immediately entered the room to find Yuri's whereabouts.

"Come in!". Ryeon tries to be nice to his younger brother as well as his love rival.