She's your sister-in-law

And you have to remember carefully. I have known Yuri for a very long time, she has loved me ever since. So, I'm sure that I can get Yuri back and I will make sure to take her away from you". continued Joon sarcastically and loudly.

Just then a slap flew across Joon's cheek.

Joon was surprised and immediately grabbed his cheek, he turned to the person who had slapped him. Instantly he was shocked again when he saw his mother's dark expression.

Her mother deliberately followed Ryeon because she had a bad feeling towards her two children. She knew that Ryeon lied saying that he wanted to take a shower. And her suspicions were proven when she saw her two sons arguing.

"Eomma ...?" said Ryeon and Joon together with a shocked expression.

"Since when did you love my own sister-in-law? And why do you have evil intentions to steal your brother's wife huh? Eomma never taught you like this Joon". her mother said while shedding tears with a cynical expression.