That's not the way to do it

"Sorry, looks like I have to go because I have work". said Lion as he pulled Nana's hand to stand up too.

"Honey, don't you and Nana have breakfast first?". Asked Mrs. Tresia, who had been worried all this time.

"Later at the office". said Lion.

After saying that Lion pulled Nana's hand to his room, while Nana just sighed in seeing her husband's behavior, which was not very polite to his family.

Not long after that Lion took Nana out again with their luggage, Elder Kim still with his dark expression and didn't want to look at Nana and Lion.

After that Lion's car left the Kim family mansion. On the way, Nana stroked Lion's hair gently, it was true that Lion's heart immediately improved and returned to comfort. Nana knows that whatever her husband has done and whatever will happen tomorrow, her job is to trust Lion and make him feel good, only then can she speak her mind.