When love is not an option

"Very well, convey my thanks to your mother. And regarding your marriage, we are ready to take Aiko to Azzura a week before your wedding, so please be patient until that day". said her grandmother with dignity.

"Isn't that right Aiko?" asked her grandmother, turning to her side.

Aiko was silent because her thoughts were out of place.

"Aiko?". Her grandmother said for the second time, only then did Aiko turn around.

"Ahh sorry. What did you say earlier?". Asked Aiko innocently because she did not focus on what her grandmother said.

Her grandmother repeated her words until Aiko understood, "Yes, I have prepared myself for that".

"Thank you, princess". Prince Azzam said in response to Aiko's words.

"Oh my God, is it time if love is not the only option to decide to get married?". Aiko thought as she wrung her hands.

After talking, Prince Azzam said goodbye and Aiko immediately took her grandmother back to the room.