tragic battle, hero saving the....

Inside the Juggernaut.

Lucas tried to relax his body from the hardcore battle at warehouse and about the Juggernaut travels without a pilot it because Red Queen (Replica) has given authority to control the vehicle and same time a permission to used the laboratory for her experiment. So, Lucas right now is meditating about the zombies he encountered. He knew the zombies is from the vicinity but, he can't imagine the zombies is almost unlimited. So, he asked Rosario "Rosario, does zombies I encountered during warehouse accident is from the surrounding area?" Lucas said because he feel bothered about something.

Rosario replied "No! host some of the zombies are from abyss." when he learned about something, Lucas asked "W-what? Abyss? what you mean abyss, Rosario?" Lucas exclaim about the bomb he received. Rosario replied to him "Host! your authority is lower to receive the related information about abyss but, Host the blood mist you encountered before is Abyss miasma." Rosario continued knowing, Lucas thinking "Host! it's better for you to check your reward than to think about abyss because, any related information about abyss can only bring harm to you."

Hearing Rosario words, Lucas think she is right even I survive my little lover can't. So he said "Opening reward"


[Opening reward 1%... 100%]

[Event quest: ex


• 1,500,000 gold

• 3,010,000 experience accumulation

• +3 level up

• zombie encyclopedia

• skill book: tamer

• 1 set of s&m play materials

• +20 AP, SP, BP]


[penalties has been paid, good luck!]


City square,

In the celebration of Francia for there independence became zombies independence and the most beautiful city square become a zombie fields. Where you can see blood everywhere and zombies keep eating the remaining bodies like bones, finger and etc. They ate everything without living a bone. Also, some zombies is evolving by eating any zombies who is weaker to them. when this event happened the People lost hope and they started to commit crimes or commit suicide.

In, the midst of this bloody event, Inside the 5 star hotel a life and death battle between group of survivors and zombies. The zombies keep moving like a wave and a zombie smasher keep throwing other zombies from 3rd to 5th floor and you can see in there expression zombies are sadist even with strength they keep throwing to enjoyed the taste of unwillingness and fear of the food they will devour later.

"F*ck! this is no end." Jane cursed she is currently building a barricade and shouted " Joseph bring your team to guard the barricade and drop some obstacles to the stairway." Joseph shouted and salute they run faster and place some beds and guard the barricade. He was one of the trusted subordinate of Jane and Joseph has a strange reason to do this action.

"Jane I brought the Molotov are you sure about this?" Cynthia asked while placing the Molotov. She know this battle either they will die in hands of zombies or they perish together with the building if this thing can't be handled. Jane replied "Believe in our little Lucas. He will be here and saved us." She said to Cynthia and get the Molotov, shouted "fire in the hole" *boom* fire spread at 3rd floor. Jane said to them "Throw everything to the 3rd floor and blocked the pathway from 4th to 5th floor, move!"

Someone shouted. "f*ck! zombies are on fire! they throwing zombies with fire" The man in his side shouted "Drop them! Drop them!"

While they are battling a group of survivors is getting closer to the 5 star hotel because they discovered the zombies are going upstair. The middle aged man said "will clear this zombies and capture this place to rest." Man continued "Go gamma team and delta team rescue the other government officials. Alpha and beta team clear the area and epsilon team will remain back up while zeta team will moved the surrounding as a scout, moved!" The middle age shouted and they salute.

"Madam Mariam! please let them carry the tasked." The middle aged man said "Sir. Nicholas let me led because I'm stronger than them, alright?" Madam Mariam said. She is youngest president of Francia and also an expert in combat. She continued "So, please take care of my daughter, sir Nicholas." she said and moved with the alpha and beta team. Nicholas Hale the army general of Francia.

When the time they moved inside little girl followed inside and shouted "mama! don't go." the little girl said. When they saw the people around become pale and her mother Mariam said"baby girl! go back!" she shouted but, it's too late a large zombie jump from 3rd floor to 1st floor *boom*

A shockwave happened and the little girl was swept out by the great wave. *bang* the little girl rolled in the ground and crash toward one of the pillar.

"*sob* it hurts mama! *sob*" she said in great pain. when the mother saw her daughter being swept by the wave she shouted "let me go!" she held by the army and they gathered in defense formation. She shouted "baby girl!" because she saw the zombie is getting closer to her daughter and she know what will happened she closed her eyes.

When the little girl saw the gorilla zombie is getting closer she closed her eyes and said "*sob* I will be a good girl, god! *sob* saved me!" *bang*

When the mother opened her eyes. She saw a man standing in front of her daughter and said "What a troublesome. It's hard to control bard skills magical journey."He said while he blocked the zombie smasher charge with his armament haki and his feet was carried by the great force making a two great line in 3 meters distance and then, his feet planted.

Then, Lucas looked at the s1 zombie with a smile and said "Boy! Please die and be my experience." Lucas said a kicked the ground and moved forward to the zombie and said "2nd stance: tiger whip" he kicked the zombie side. *boom**bang!!* zombie crash toward the reception table of the hotel and Lucas did not wait to reach. He reach his katana sword and make a quickdraw and said "die!" *swish~**thud* the head of the zombie smasher separated from the body and fall to the ground.

After, he killed the zombie a notification pop-up.


[level up!]

Lucas shouted "Honey! I'm home!!!"