
Inside the hotel.

When Lucas shouted, All of them woke up from the bizarre event almost they are watching some superhero movies. Then, the little girl cried loudly and her mother hugged her while crying.

The zombies started to jump from 3rd to 1st floor because of they hear a sound of cry and smell food below them like the smell above the floors but, some zombies started to be restless. They smell a strong predator among the foods but, the greed win them and started to jumped toward the group of survivors.

When the survivor below they cursed there bad luck. This zombies did not followed the common sense of human. No! wait they are already dead. When they are ready to meet there maker. They are shocked and overflow by joy and some started to cried because, the person who saved there little princess right know is killing the zombies like a predator waiting for it's prey to deliver itself. *swish*swish*bang*tsss*bang*bang* They saw his movement is like a ghost he disappear and reappear. Every movement they saw an electric spark keep following him. Few, minutes later they saw process how he hunt the zombies like a veteran Hunter or a expert butcher.

*sigh~* Lucas finished his hunt he smiled and sigh in relieved because, he was able to saved them in time. When Lucas entered the 5th floor he was greeted by his little lovers hugged.

"It's hard for all of you." Lucas said with a smile to them and kiss there forehead. Few, minutes of exchanging information about the situation.

"little Lucas, Joseph did his best!" Jane said while praising Joseph action and she pointed Joseph who was tense. She knew why Joseph becoming like that because her little lover is more handsome than before.

Lucas smiled and walked toward Joseph, he said while he hugged him "Good job! Joseph you worked hard so rest." Lucas know Joseph is feminine inside but, he will blind eyed for this since Jane trusted him and he also practice off limits. Joseph blushed and think 'he become more handsome.'

"I will go inside the room to rest and wash my body." Lucas said toward his little lover and walk toward there room.

After, 30 minutes later a group of armed group entered lead by Nicholas rank general and behind him is Mariam and his daughter. They covered by the armed people and followed by the group of government officials. All of them are alert likewise the survivor of the hotel is also, vigilant.

But, not all of them are vigilant.

"Father!" Jane shouted she is running toward the Nicholas. When he heard his daughters voice, he trembled and shouted while running to his daughter "Baby Jane!!" both of them cried even Nicholas who was known heart of steel cried because her daughter is alive. Nicholas raised her daughter alone and he didn't remarried after his wife's death because his wife and his daughter is like a mirror and he felt guilt if, he remarried and forgot his previous wife.

"Jane! can I borrow your phone?" Lucas shouted inside the room without knowing his action will led to. When he exit he saw Jane and the middle age man. To answer his question he used his appraisal. According to the appraisal this person is Jane's father. He moved and bow his shouted "Father-in-law! I'm Jane's little lover Lucas D. Cale, nice to meet you." Lucas said with a confident smile.

Seeing Lucas action with a confident smile. Jane blush because her little lover become more handsome and he is not shaking in fear knowing his father is military general. Which lead her become more confident in her choice because she is a Papa's girl and she liked her lover who is confident in front of his father and not some skirt chaser's who relaying in someone.

Nicholas boiled in anger. Seeing someone claim his baby girl and when he saw her daughter is blushing. Nicholas is ready to draw his gun but someone shouted "Big brother!" a girl running toward Lucas. She was the little girl Lucas save before.

Lucas looked at the little girl and said"oh! little girl where is your mother. Go, to her because your big brother has business." he smiled like a good uncle but, inside him a devil Lucas shouted: "go expand your path!" and the angel Lucas rebuked the devil and said."No! be good to her and let her grow up. So nurture her!"

The little girl smiled at him and asked "Big brother! I'm Jairah Cage and I'm 8 yrs old! Big brother who are you? are you a ninja?" She said and show a sweet smile and shake her body shyly.

Lucas smiled at her and touch her head, replied " Lucas D. Cale and I'm 19 years old and one I wear is cosplay." he said but inside him both angel and devil Lucas shouted "Go! expand your path and may god will forgave us!" and Lucas replied to both pervert "Begone! I planned to nurture her for futures humanity!" He said righteously.

While they are communicating the 2nd group was shocked. This little girl is not fond in talking with a stranger's but, right know she is talking to Lucas like a big brother.

Mariam know her daughter thinking she want to be close with the strong person to protect both of them. She smiled and walked to them.

"I'm Mariam Cage the previous president of Francia and she is my daughter. Sorry! for the inconvenient." She smiled like a good mother but she planned to know this person.

Lucas replied with a handshake "Nice to meet you! beautiful madam, I'm Lucas D. Cale call me Lucas." He smiled while examining. He is part of the syndicate in his previous life and according to his experience Mariam is a expert and he is thinking inside."What a great combo! of mother and daughter, duo."

A man shouted"You commoner stay away from madam!" He is Michael Goerge, He long for this beauty before but, seeing someone talking to her. He felt someone stole his possession. He liked Mariam while his brother like his daughter.

Seeing the person denied his existence he draw his gun to scare him in fear but, next moment *urgh* he throw-up from the killing intent and he fainted. Lucas said to him." Shut up pest."

But, the people inside felt the temperature become cold and they feel pressure even the military felt a tense because this pressure is more terrifying than zombies outside.

Outside the hotel zombie's ran away from the hotel while other advance zombies become alert they sense the predator among the food.