
Inside the 5 star hotel.

The group of survivors felt they are about to died, some of them fainted and some started to get wet in there pants, even the armed group can't moved because, of the terrifying pressure like a sword will cut you anytime.

Nicholas and Mariam froze and think "who is he? a terrorist? a psychopath? a vigilante?"

"*sob*Big brother! I'm sorry.*sob* Jairah will be a good girl!*sob*" Jairah said while crying because she feel her big brother is angry and scary.

Lucas, looked around and seeing the effect of his action. He take a deep breath and next moment the pressure is gone, yet the people know the ancient beast is here in front of them. They knew to forced this kind of person, they need strength so, they moved away from him unconsciously for fearing the ancient beast will do something unreasonable.

"It's okay! little girl, big brother is scaring some bad people." Lucas said to Jairah while patting her little head.

Jairah replied "Okay! Big brother is a good person!" she said while laughing joyfully and she hug Lucas, but the group survivor who heard the little girl reply they shouted inside there mind and cursing. "If, he is good guy then, criminals are saint" or "If, he is good guy then, zombies are friendly."

Lucas did not care of others think of him. He said to Mariam "Sorry! Madam I need to rest because, we will be leaving tomorrow."

He excused himself and walked to Jane whisper something to her and make her blush.

*at, night in a certain room Inside the 5 star hotel.*

Nicholas, Mariam, Michael and other officials are talking about the future plans.

Michael shouted "We must capture him because, what he done is against the law." He continued " He attacked me earlier, this is treason he attacked an official! this is crime."

One of the officials asked Michael with a disguise expression. "So, Michael what will you do? point a gun at him and scare him, or you will tell him his action earlier is crime and talk to him about law?" He continued. "according to the eyewitness reported he can kill gorilla zombie, yet Michael want to talked to him who fainted earlier just by looking at you? So, I suggest any plans remember in my own understanding he is gifted like an esper."

When Michael heard Thomas replied to him. He was angry and pointed his finger to him, said. "You! You! good! good!" He knew himself he is a coward, but his pride can't bow his head. Michael think "Thomas I will kill! you." He envy him having a beautiful wife and a good track record.

"So, what you suggest to make him?" Mariam asked them once again.

"Promise him a position. So, we can control him." the other official replied and he continued. "Because, we lacked of official office right know gave him like head manager or something." the rest of officials agreed to this old official and Michael agree and he planned to take everything from him.

"No! he won't accept such superficial offer to him."

Nicholas replied even though he hated Lucas for stealing his own daughter, but he must acknowledge he has a strength which above him.

The official looked at Nicholas in confused expression and Michael looked at him with hatred. He hate Nicholas being the head of military because, in this end times military general has a right to speak. So, he want to say something, but someone asked him.

"So, sir Nicholas what do you think. He will not accept our offer to him?" Mariam asked old general though she agree with him she still want to hear the reason. She express inside her heart 'Lucas won't accept the government offering, to become a official in the first place there is no government working right know.'

Nicholas take a deep breath and said to them. " he has a strength and according to my daughter he stayed at district 19 which he need to traveled for 1 hour between city square and district 19. Also, she told me according to Lucas he parked his vehicle somewhere in cars shop in 20-25 minutes distance from here. He parked the vehicle further for zombies not to be alarmed. Means he can walk that far. If, he planned to walk, but we received an information he can travel in short period of time he called it magical journey and the bad new is he can only brought 5 people excluding him."

Nicholas said with the tired expression and he continued. "So I suggest we must approach him honestly and not to pressure him because, If he want he can use his Abilities to travel and leave us to the zombies mouth."

When they heard Nicholas word they are shaken and realized this is not the previous world anymore, but a apocalypse world. Where weak is prey of the strong. A world where weak is a sin and strength is law.

Michael trembled he knew himself by nature he is weak, a coward but has a strong desire for power and Mariam she is thinking and planned to use plan B and C, for her daughter and for her to survived, even she will sell her body for them to survive. She think of Lucas a good looking with wildness, stronger than her and he is good at bed according to Angeline one of Lucas little lover. When she woke up from the delusion she hang her head down and blush in shame because, of her unhealthy thinking between her and Lucas.

*Inside the 5 star hotel in a certain room*

A man sitting in the bed naked while combing the hair of a woman, but his side there are two women sleeping because, they felt secured with there little lover in there side. He is Lucas and he is combing Jane's hair right know while thinking something in his other side is Angeline and Cynthia who still sleeping with a satisfied expression.

While he is thinking someone asked him.

"Little Lucas are you not tired?" Cynthia asked him. who still lying down while looking at Lucas direction.

"Yes! do you want to continue?" Lucas replied while licking his lips.

Cynthia blushed and replied "Lucas, spare me I can't walk tomorrow." Cynthia know how terrible Lucas stamina and his bed techniques.

"*cough* Lucas, are you worried about the survivor or about the mother and daughter duo?" she asked to hide her embarrassment.

Lucas replied to her while looking at the ceiling. "Yes! Im worried about them including Jane's father." He said as continue combing Jane's hair. "Also, I worried about your sisters." he replied and laughed in his worry's.

Cynthia smiled she knew her little lover is a womanizer, but he is true to his feeling. She hated Lucas before when he confessed to her she was not the only women, he have. When the time she was kidnapped Lucas saved her and killed them in the process including the suspect of kidnapping. That day she learned Lucas secret he is the famous vigilante the hell Butler and a person she been long for.

"Lucas we are yours and I will follow you forever, so remember everything you decide we will follow them, good night!" Cynthia said before she going back to sleep.

Lucas mutter he said "Yes! you are all mine and I can't let you all died even becoming a zombies. I will protect all of you even I will destroy everything." He said with a smile, but inside him a new commitment has born and he went sleep.


[Keeper new skill is activated.]



•Collector - you can collect the conscious of defeated opponents.

•Death line - you can see weakness of enemies.


•Death parade (active/ passive) - can form a contract to any creatures (0/100).]