The living hell (part 1 - first)


The people laughed out loud. They didn't fear the the people inside since they surrounded them. They mocked saying.

"Drop your weapon! Surrender yourself."

They laughed once again because they know. They are already shaking in fear right know. Then, they fired there guns toward the 5 vehicles.

"Boss toe, we will wait them to surrender? or we will raid them from behind?"

One of his subordinates asked in excitement because they enjoy to see people's despair. As, they discussed there plans. One of his subordinates shouted.

"Boss toe! the 2nd vehicle opened the door and I saw a lightning passed."

Hearing his subordinates voice. Little toe made a decision instantly and he said in excitement.

"Prepare ourselves we will raid them. Tonight we will enjoy beautiful w----"

Before, he can finished his word. He heard a voice behind them. The voice made him cold and remember his nightmare which made him can't forget the voice of death saying...

"Little toe? You've never changed. I let you all live once because one of the priest teach me once to forgive your enemies, but looking at you I believe waste is still a waste." Lucas said to them and walked toward them slowly. He continued "So, let me became a cleaner and clean every garbage since it's not good to have many waste in our surrounding."

When little toe want to confirm something, but his subordinates started to fire there gun toward the source of voice. *Bang!*Bang!*Bang!~* Yet, they saw him smiling receiving the bullets. As, the bullet passed him a spark of flames and lightning can be seen. Little toe shouted.

"f*ck! Don't you fire. You can't hurt him."

Little toe said and his hand ate trembling. His subordinates looked at him in confusion. They want to say something, yet seeing him being terrified. There heart shaken in fear and little asked in despair.

"Hell Butler! P - please forgive us."

When his subordinates hear his name like a lightning struck there head. They are ready to jumped out from the building, but they are at 4th floor and some of already wet in there pants. Because, few of them are one the survivors. Who survived from Hell Butler's purge one month ago. They step back in fear even the people who heard his action before apocalypse started. They are frozen in the spot.

"This is the taste of despair right little toe? So, did you enjoyed your last day already and decide to deliver yourself to me." Lucas said while smiling and raise his hand with the sword in his hand . He continued "Then, I'm obliged to answer your offering and clean your hands and feet. Don't worry this thing is not painful like you did to toward them."

Lucas smile vanish and a ancient beast awake from his slumber. All of the people even zombies in the surrounding feel a great terror. Little toe and his subordinates who face his killing intent they are petrified in fear. He shouted

"fire kill ---- arggh! my hands!"

*swish~* little toe's arms is fly in midair, but there is no blood flowing because the separated part is turn to crimson ice from the blood to ice. They witness everything when they turned away to run or fight back in despair all of them suffered the same fate.



The ladies who they held hostage and plaything. Started to woke up from the noise and they saw those beast started to fall down one by one. They we're scared, but a young woman stand in walk to the nearest guy who killed her boyfriend in her front. She smiled and took the gun in the ground. She pointed the guns muzzle at him. She smile at him as she saw his despair, fear and pleading eyes. *Bang!*Bang!* Click! Click!*

She fire the gun at his chest and smash the empty gun toward his face like a axe swinging towards the wood. She laughed and cry out loud, but her action is just the beginning. When the victim saw her action there fear turn to madness they crawl and run toward them. Then, the subordinates of little toe cried in despair. They want to run or fight back, yet they are paralyzed. There death is worst than they can imagine, like pig waiting to be slaughtered.

Lucas saw everything he laughed at them and one of little toe subordinates crawl toward Lucas asking for help. Lucas smile at him and kicked him toward the mad people. The ladies in madness gathered around him. They smash his face with the gun and some of them stamp his son in make it bleed. In, few minutes later he died in misery.

Then, Lucas dragged Little toe toward them and he whispered. "Little toe! did you know the scariest thing in this world are women. They are unpredictable and scary when they are angry. Did you see that?"

Lucas point one of his subordinates who died from stabbing the carbine assault rifle's muzzle which is blunt. Little toe saw the pure madness from the death of his subordinates. He die from stabbing made his eyes to explode and his neck is bleeding from stab, yet he died in blunt weapon and he saw the carbine muzzle is filled with blood he trembled. He know a person in madness can do impossible things to possible, but he can't imagine his fate toward them. He shivered and looked at Lucas in fear. he said "Please! save me."

Lucas smiled at him. He raised his head toward the first lady, Who made the first move. He said

"Young lady, who are you?"

The lady who is still absentminded look at him. She replied

"Anna Brooklyn.Thank you! for saving us."

Upon, hearing her word. All women stopped there action and bow there head toward him. They have no feel of shame being naked in his front. Also, they didn't have an uncomfortable feeling because his gaze is different like he is admiring a work of art and not some male who looked at them in lust.

Lucas smiled at them and asked "Bring me to there base and this guy is yours. Do whatever you want, but before you leave burn there body and go to the survivors group downstairs. I am one of the survivors at fleet they planned to raid earlier. If, they asked something just answered them Lucas send you."

When the ladies heard. His promise there eyes become fierce and looked at little toe in his hand. Anna trembled and she replied. "Okay! please bring me with you."

"Sure! having a beautiful woman. As, an escort is a good luck for me." Lucas replied and smiled mildly.

He throw little toe toward the ladies as a promise and the group of Ladies smiled at him indifferently. when little toe saw there smile. He shiver in fear and shouted.
