The living Hell (part 2 - end)

When Anna and Lucas leave the building. All of the ladies looked at little toe in madness. They approach him slowly and little toe look at them asking for forgiveness, but before he can speak something the base of carbine was smash to his mouth making him bleed. Then, all the ladies gathered around him and smash him. Also, one of the ladies who suffered from his torture stamp his son and stab with the muzzle. Few, minutes later of abuse and torture his situation is unknown which make other people doubt if he still a human.

The ladies who completed there revenge cried loudly and looked at the survivors fleet below. They made a decision to follow and offer there life toward there saviour. Then, all of them leave the building burning the bodies alive with the Molotov.

(Few years later, In Lucas group there are a group of women in all ages they called the huntress. They have one wish to follow Lucas to raise his child and fight for him.)


Lucas and Anna walked toward there destination. During there travel Lucas learned something from Anna. According to the information the zombies moved toward another place and the raiders started to attacked every camp since, the number of zombie is lower who is roaming around. He asked

"Anna, do you know Xi'an Chu? where is she right know." Lucas asked in concerned.

"You mean the beautiful Chinese who is taking in molecular engineering. If, you are talking about her she is also good in fighting and I heard some people are pursuing her." Anna replied in bitterly and continued "They will be find until tomorrow, but the problem there is mole among the Xi'an company."

Lucas aura become more fierce in his foot a pile of frozen ground started to form and his red eyes a crimson lightning flicked around his eye. He mutter "There touch her. Today will become your burial ground."

"Who are they?" He asked.

Anna feel his aura changed instantly. She felt terror like she is facing her own death. She thought ' those zombies and criminals are like a child throwing tantrum at his front.' She smile because she found her salvation in this world. She replied "raiders."

Lucas smile become more bright making even the psychopath to change his way. He is like a lion looking at his prey to devour without leaving any bones. He said

"Where is there base point it. Because, I changed my mind. I will kill them and don't let them see today's sunset."

Anna pointed the largest hotel and answered. "That place, there boss is in VIP room. They held many hostages. So, please spare the innocent."

"Yeah! follow me later and bring the victims toward the survivors fleet." Lucas replied and vanish instantly.

*Biggest hotel, 1st floor*

A group of people gathered and they leash some women and little girls like dog. They laughed while beating them and one of them complain, he said

"F*ck! I want to taste something new." He said and kicked the ladies stomach.

"Brother, it's alright we can taste them later..."His companion replied and laughed, but his laughter stopped. When he saw a person behind his companion and he is smiling.


His companion die in his front without saying anything. He turned his body to run away, but he found himself lying in ground. When he looked around he found his limbs has turned to sculpture and separated from his body. He wanted to shout.

"Don't waste your voice. Because they're waiting in the other side of the river." Lucas looked at him and he smile. Upon, he saw his despair and fear and looked at the ladies.

"Ladies do you want revenge? He is yours including the rest. Don't worry they can't move or do anything." Lucas said toward the ladies in leash.

Then, Lucas moved toward the 2nd floor and leave some disguise runes and stealth runes in the surrounding pillar of the 1st floor to make it normal.

The ladies who are absentminded looked at the person who is disabled and smile. Because they can remember there families, boyfriend, friend, etc. die in there hands. They moved forward and take revenge...

Lucas action keep repeating until he revealed himself at the 4th floor. He hunt them and leave them disabled. Also, he given the victims a chance to take the final blow for there revenge to be finished. Because he didn't want to saved people who are useless. Lucas is not a saint, but he want to let those victim decided there fate. He guess is right some of the ladies commit suicides and some are waiting for Lucas for further instructions.


5th floor, VIP room.

6 people gathered together and there surrounding are the hostages. They are crying in despair and some of them are already fainted. As, they enjoyed there final meal and someone entered the room.


They looked at him in irritation because they can taste this beautiful girl. Which they reserve for today's entertainment. One of the six people shouted "Tell me a reason. To let you live for a while."

The man looked at them in fear. He answered them "Hell Butler is here and he is cleaning all our people."

All of them trembled. Because they can't forget his name. He is the only reason, why there previous party died and they are only saved because they are not worthy of his time. The lady smiled at them and said "He is already here and look like your days in already counted."

She mocked and laughed at them. She didn't fear and smiled at them. The man who is near at her kicked her toward the wall. *bang!* Then, he pulled his gun and said "You will die first, bitch!"


The bullet pierced in her shoulder. As, the man want to trigger his gun. Once again he heard a voice.

"Do it and before you can pull the trigger your arms will no more."

The 6 people trembled and looked at the person in front of the door. They found a man holding the body with dislocated neck of the previous messenger.

The man move his gun toward Lucas and triggered the gun and shouted. "Die!"

