Bravery, Fools, Traitor

When the golden wormhole appeared. Alice was amazed and witness the Abilities of Lucas. Once she heard the magic word she looked at Lucas while pressing her chest and asked.

"Lucas, did you pay a copyright for Bard skill?"

Lucas turned his head away. Because he didn't think this world has a same fashion, culture, entertainment, technology development and world development. He can't blame the system evolution because the system itself can offer everything which every human can imagine. He replied

"What are you talking about?"

Alice smiled at him in asked "Lucas I know you are womanizer, but I didn't think you we're a troll?"

'sh*t' Lucas cursed inside. Because, he played this champion once in both world. *sigh~* Lucas smile and touch her chin. He asked

"Alice are we going or we will take about games or something?"

Alice turned her head away and her smile disappeared. She looked at the golden wormhole and removed her body away from his arms. She answered "I will go with you Lucas, but I hope you can give me the bastard. Who sell the camp for his own good."

Lucas raise his hand and Alice hold Lucas hand. Lucas smile at her and kiss her hand. He replied "Yes! Beautiful maiden your wish is my command."

Lucas together with Alice went to golden wormhole. They vanish together with the wormhole. The remaining people are scared, but they calm down with Anna presence.

Few minutes later, The 5 vehicles parked at roadside and people started to came down lead by Mariam. The Survivors fleet witness the situation of the victims. They are thankful toward Lucas especially Mariam and his little lover. Likewise the victim saw the situation of the women under the Survivors fleet. They are jealous and somehow they are grateful because they won't suffered anymore.


*Del Trinidad de' University*

The group of women was cornered and the women who is leading them holding a wooden sword. She grip her sword and looked at her back in vigilant. Few minutes later a group of men slowly walking and laughed because there prey already cornered.

"Hehehe~ Goddess Chu you are already cornered and just surrender for us to let them go." the traitor said and laughed. The people in his back laughed while looking at them in lust.

"Brayn, I know you are a trusted person, but ---- *bang~*" Chu said and before she can finished her words. One of her companion smash her shoulder with a bat dropping her weapon.

Chu fall down from the injury and raised her head raise her head asked in confusion while holding her arms.

"Why? Tell Jessie why you did this?"

"Chu! I hate you... You're excellent and beautiful. So, be good and used your beauty as a payment for letting us free." Jessie replied in jealousy. She looked at the pursuer she continued "Xi'an Chu is in your hands. Let us go!"

The the men laughed and looked at her in foolishness. Then, one of the men shouted at her "Dog! Crawl toward your master and lick my feet in submission."

They laughed because women never change in nature. They are easily to deceive and received the false hope. When they saw there despair and fear they become more excited.

As, the men laughed, the rest of women hang there head in shame. Because from the beginning all of them are doom. Jessie who betrayed her friend to saves the rest, looked at them asking "Why?"

"Are you fool! Payment, I'm tired of the camp and I want to enjoy myself. Though you're not beautiful as Chu, but you are enough for me joined the raiders group." Brayn replied and he laughed alone. When he felt the surrounding become wrong. He want to asked, but...


He was stab from behind and he looked back and asked in confusion. "Why? are we friends?"

"Fool! are you dumb or dumb? How come we want to let someone who is weaker than us to joined. Who only know to hide at someone's back especially 'toys'." The person stab him replied and kicked him toward the ladies direction. He smiled and looked at the rest in mocked them and mutter "Fools"

"Boy's! we can feast and bring them later." The man shouted and the rest of his companion run toward the ladies.

Then, the cry of despair was heard. As, the group of men are armed and they keeped tearing the women uniform. They r**e every women while pointing the there knife in there neck. Jessie who witness everything run toward Chu for protection, but she was captured and tear her dress leaving her naked. Her situation is more worse than the rest since she took more men than her companion. Chu who witness everything grip her wooden sword and vigilant. She can't ran because she is cornered and the leader of the team asked her.

"Xi'an Chu do you have any last wish?"

Chu looked at him while keeping her distance. She shouted "Lucas! save me!"

"Yes! Honey"