Friendship and Rage

Lucas and Alice appeared out of nowhere. Lucas is looking at the fools who dare to touch Chu. He smile in full of malice.

When the people heard someone's voice, they turned there head and looked at them. They recognized the woman is Alice who was selled by Bryan and a payment for him to joined, yet none of them recognized the handsome guy. Chu who saw both people. She smiled at them and she run toward them shouted "Lucas!"

The person who cornered Chu was dumbfounded at first and he woke up. Seeing Chu was running toward the late comer. He raise his hand to capture her and intimidate them, but before he can captured and hostage Chu.


Lucas vanish and appeared in his front and slice his arms and freeze it. The person groan in pain. He want to speak something and he found his vision become weird, everything is become reverse. Because his head was slice by Lucas instantly while rotating his body in 180° degree.


Lucas killed the person within the few slash, but the people has a few guess especially the raiders group know him. They trembled and step back and take a hostage to cover themselves. Brayn who witness everything since he still alive. He felt his body become more weak. When his eyes landed at him.

"So-sorry! I was forced to do this thing. I'm innocent." Brayn said in guilt.

Lucas looked at him. He didn't like a person like him who live with no dignity. He want to asked forgiveness despite his action. A person with no standing in his view nor backbone in his decision. He replied in sneer

"Asked me later, after Alice dissect your body."

Hearing his word. Bryan trembled and he saw Alice carrying a surgeon knife. He shivered want to move away from her, but his body freeze in fear. He said to Alice "Alice please forgive me. I want to live please! Nooo~!"

Lucas looked at Chu and hugged her.

"How are you? Forgive me for being late." He said and kissed her forehead.

"*sob~*sob~* It's Okay! Chu can understand." She replied and cried in relieved. Because her experience in last 4 days. All of them vanish in Lucas comfort. She want to sleep, but groan from her injury.

Lucas saw her injury in her arms. His smile disappeared and asked her "Who did this?"

She shake her head because she can understand them especially her former friends action being desperate and filled with envy. She can understand them and want to forgive them at least once. Lucas know who did this without using his observation haki to check someone's emotion and the culprit is her companion earlier.

Lucas took a one piece of senzu beans. He crunch it and passed them to Chu's mouth and Chu closed her eyes in comfort. Then Both of them separated a sliver line appeared before there mouth.

"Let yourself take some rest and don't opened your eyes until I woke you up. Don't worry about them I won't touch them. Because you made an effort to save them." Lucas replied and smile at her.

When Chu was fallen asleep. Lucas step forward and looked at them. He smiled and asked "So, the remnants of raiders group. Are here and ready to meet there friends in the other side of the river?"

The remaining members of raiders group know his message. There main group is already fallen there headquarter didn't exist anymore. Before they can speak something a spark of lightning from Lucas feet appeared. He smiled and he bow like someone's gentlemen. There is guess correct this person is Hell Butler and they dare to touch his girlfriend. Right know, they are cornered in there own trap they made in preparing to be slaughter.


Lucas disappeared instantly and the next moment the body of the person being separated. The blood spilled in the surrounding and toward the hostages. He didn't freeze there body and let them spread like a ghost haunted everyone. The ladies who betrayed Chu earlier are safe, but flesh and blood covered them. Lucas is not saint to spare them though he promised not to touch there bodies, but didn't mean he will keep there mind intact.

Few minutes later,

A full of carnage even Alice who worked at underground turned her head away. Because, she can't take how Lucas massacred them even, he saved the hostages. She doubted the hostage will able to think properly after witnessing a carnage in front of there eyes. Brayn, who is already at the edge of death saw everything he trembled and throw up. All of the remaining people came to understanding 'they touch his girlfriend and they face an outcome in unfair way.'

Chu herself didn't know everything because she still sleeping and keep mumbling saying "Lucas! be gentle!~ there~Ohh! Cumming~ be gentle Lucas!"

Lucas stopped his action and looked at Alice. Alive was dumbfounded she witness a total miracle. Lucas killed and spread the blood, yet his body is clean without any stained of blood. She shake her head in amazement.

"Let's go! Alice and finished everything." Lucas said to Alice and walked to Chu side.

"Okay~" Alice replied.