Camp Delta

Day 5, 3:50 pm.

The Survivors fleet increase with 3 new vehicles. Which filled with the refugee from the raiders group. Since the women and children refugee has traumatic experience, resulting afraid of men especially armed people except Lucas.

"*tout*tout*Hello! father-in-law this is son-in-law, copy." The radio communication made an contact.

Nicholas who heard the communication, a black line appeared from his forehead. He took the communication and shouted: "*tout*tout* F*ck! Lucas this is military communication. Do a proper call! copy."

"*tout*tout* Headquarter his is son-in-law. copy." Lucas replied Fromm the communication.

Nicholas heard his reply and almost die in rage. The rest of Survivors who heard smiled. Because, this is first time they saw there former military General was defeated. Nicholas felt there pity took the communication, but Jane take communication device. She asked "*tout*tout* This is Jane, Lucas. copy."

"*tout*tout* Jane tell them to go to Camp Delta. copy. *tout*"

The communication ended. Jane looked at people who are confused. She smiled at said to them.

"Everything is clear and Lucas discovered the source of distress call. He give us the coordination of camp Delta. So, we must moved faster since the night is coming."

When the people heard the communication between Jane and Lucas. Many people are relieved hearing his condition especially the women of refugee group. Also, some them are confused because Lucas didn't explained everything to Jane, she able to guess his message.

With the people speculation they concluded the theory of legendary 'couples link' that can be found in love bird, but in reality Lucas only used his system with Jane.


Lucas was standing at the top of abandoned vehicle while he is waiting toward the Survivors fleet and his side is Xi'an Chu. Since, when she woke up she didn't separated herself from Lucas.

"Lucas, when we are going to meet sister Patricia?" Chu asked while her finger are tracing his muscle abs from top to bottom.

"tommorow or next few days, but we must stay here in one day for resupply and vehicle maintenance. Because, traveling at night is not a safe choice especially in large number." Lucas replied while hugging her waist. He raised his head and looked at the distance.

"Speaking of the devil. They are already here and looked" Lucas said and pointed the smoke from the distance.

Chu looked at the distance and discovered the large fleet of vehicles. She smiled and raise her hands waving at them.

*Few minutes later*

The Survivors fleet stop at front of Lucas. When the Survivors of camp Delta heard the commotion, they gathered for they heard a news about the group of Survivors. Also, official heard this group came to visit due to distress call. They are filled with joy and vigilant especially the some of the government officials. They are living in the camp like a king, though the military group didn't listen to them, but they're satisfied since they are the one who manage the camp.

When they gathered and joined the fun. The Survivors started to go out and the first 3 ladies jump from the tour bus and ran toward Lucas. Then, the people started to go down with the refugee from raiders group go out. Some of the Survivors of Delta camp trembled and a child run toward her mother and shouted.


Then, the surge of emotion broke down all the Survivors run toward there families and some didn't believe there own family are alive. Including the refugee cried and hugged there own families once again. Because, they think there family die during there escape from the raiders group.

Lucas witness the everything smiled in accomplishment. He made a great cause and let those victims to start a new life. He looked at his little lover and said "How is the situation? and where is Mariam?"

The ladies looked each other and smile while Chu is confused. When she realized her little lover extend his hand toward some innocent women. She twisted his skin in anger.

"She will meet you later, but she must do something. She will leave her office and passed the baton toward others according to her." Cynthia replied. She smiled in mischievous and continued "She didn't want to be leave behind, but before she can take advantage. Hehehe~"

All of them made a conclusion to dry him before Mariam can enjoy the privilege. They looked at hims and Lucas felt there gaze like lioness. He started to doubt his action and smiled in bitterness.

"Hehehe~ don't be like that Lucas, but we can't travel tomorrow because both ark 1 and 2 wheels are almost destroyed from the Molotov while martyr and rising sun need some maintenance." Jane said to Lucas while her hands is squeezing Lucas son poke her finger in his balls.

Lucas shivered in excitement and kissed his little lover. He smirked and declare saying "Let's take some rest and let other handle the situation."

Lucas hugged his little lover and walked slowly toward his own vehicle. The people of both camp who heard his word and saw his action. Shake there own and mutter inside 'a tired person carrying four people at once.' Mariam who witness his action stamp her feet in frustration for handling the situation. She mutter "Lucas wait for me and I will show you. Who is the boss" While her cheek is in redness.

At the distance two sisters meet together while hugging one another. She raise her head and looked at Lucas in complicated eyes.

"Jessie, do you like boss?" Anna Brooklyn asked her sister.

"Anna, do you think he will looked at me?" Jessie Brooklyn replied and continued "Also, I don't like or love him, but I want to repay his kindness even I will become his mistress or something. If, he asked for."

Anna smiled at her sister. She didn't recognize her emotion, but Anna will support her sister even to denied her own heart. She said "I will support you."


Inside the Delta camp.

In the midst of celebration of reunion. A great conspiracy will occurred and will test both camp to the very core. An action will lead camp Delta and Survivors fleet in to edge of destruction or separation.