Conspiracy theory...

day 6, 5:47 am, sun rise.

The crimson sun started to rise from the East and all people felt terror. Because, everything is vivid in there memories the June 24, incident. Also, they weirdest event the number of zombies become few who keep roaming and they are not aggressive rather they keep looking at the crimson sun. In, this event people become more cautious they still remember the weird action of animals during the first crimson sun. The big storm is coming and all Survivors started to gathered materials and fortified there base.

Lucas smiled as he opened his eyes. Because he can feel dense death energy in his surrounding and saw the crimson sun from the window. He mutter inside 'I must prepare and make my little lover adapt this energy and made them stronger, but I must reduce the energy intake to lessen the risk.'

He raise his naked body and looked at Mariam who still sleeping peacefully. Last night she entered the room and offered herself to joined with my 4 little lovers. As, his strength and stamina grow stronger. He is able to tame her wildness at the bed. He smiled and kissed her forehead. Mariam felt some movement and opened her eyes.

"Good morning... Lucas." Mariam said with a smile and hug him as she raised her body revealing her beautiful and mature body.

"How is your body?" Lucas asked and hugged her back while his hand are caressing her back and poking her cheek.

"I feel numb all over my body especially my legs." Mariam replied and lick his finger who keep poke her cheek. She nestled her head in Lucas, she continued "Know I can understand them. Why Jane and the rest to take turned or joined together."

Lucas laughed and caressing her thigh including his hair with his hands. He himself was amazed in his new stamina. Because in his previous world he can only take two to three at once without medicine, but with his unlimited vigor, cheat stamina, godly regeneration and strength. He can take them all at once.

Lucas looked at her and whisper made Mariam blush. She raise her head and Lucas kissed her lips while his hands are keep caressing her butt and thigh. Then, a moan can be heard inside the room lasted for few hours.


Lucas walked out in room with Mariam in his side. Jane and rest are preparing for the breakfast. When they went out they revealed a crafty smile because Mariam step is awkward. Jairah saw her mother with her big brother she smiled and hugged them.

"Mama! did you slept at big brother's room?" Jairah said and looked at her mother.

"Little Jairah, don't disturb your mother and let her rest. She is tired from playing house with your big brother." Lucas answered her and hugged Jairah. As they walked toward the kitchen and he feel the low kicked from Mariam.

"Hehehe~ okay! Big brother. Jairah want to play with big brother a playing house!" Jairah asked.

Lucas face twitch and kiss her forehead. All of his little lover laughed. Because of the unexpected request from the little girl.


Lucas learned unexpected request from the camp Delta. They want to trade some goods in exchange a food supplies. Also, some of the remaining official want to retrieve the Juggernaut, Martyr and 4x4 military vehicles. Because those are government own vehicle. The people of military camp and rebuked them, especially when they learned Lucas as the hell Butler. Same person who purged the raiders group, but not all of the people inside the camp Delta are happy about this news.

The news of raiders group fallen made some government officials demand unreasonable things. The matters about the distress call is came from Dhiana the captain of raptors squad under the Delta company. This is the instruction given by the commander in chief before he died mysteriously.

Hearing the information Lucas smirked and said "Conspiracy..."

The ladies nod in agreement. They themselves will doubt and wander a person die mysteriously and a person who want to take everything in control. Also, demanding something unreasonable like demanding the Juggernaut to have a walking weapon. They concluded 'Conspiracy' and smell fishy.

"Sigh~ I think also this is conspiracy, but we have no right to act since we have no evidence nor power. Because, this is there camp." Mariam replied in pity.

Lucas smiled at them and said "I don't care about the conspiracy, but once they involved us. I will let them prepare there neck. Also, tell the people to finished the maintenance and wheel as much as possible. Because, we will leave this place as early as possible.


Lucas looked at the door and Cynthia opened the door vehicle. Then, a cold wind enter the vehicle both ladies and Jairah shiver in fear and coldness. For they remember the June 24 incident.


As, they hear the Lucas clap they looked at him. They remember, he was here and he will never leave them alone. Jairah looked at him and she didn't know, but inside her new emotion was born.

Lucas smiled at the visitor. He said "I have hunch so bring me."


When Lucas leave the vehicle. Mariam who received his instruction ordered the Survivors of the fleet to finished the maintenance exchange wheels and other. They made a simple modification since half of the refugee decided to follow the fleet together with there own families.

*Inside the certain room*

Lucas followed Anna and Jessie Brooklyn. As, they exchange information and topic. Also, according to them some people are thankful. As, he and discovered Alice waving her hand. Also, according to Anna information earlier some core members of the surviving camp gathered and exchange information. He felt there different gaze and he feel the hostile looked of government officials and military official were grateful.

Lucas mutter inside his mind 'How do I feel. Almost all of the government officials is always directly or indirectly hostile to me. Did I offend there interested or steal there own daughter, wife or fiance? *sigh~* I hope Rosario is here.'