3rd Metamorphosis

By the time Lucas returned with Jessie and the captives from the kidnapping incident. They saw the Camp Delta was in ruined, but some structures are still usable. Also, the survivors rescued by Sir. Nicholas are rebuilding the camp together with the Anna's team.

"Lucas! great you're here *sob*." Xi'an Chu said while waiting at him in the entrance. She hugged him upon learning there are new zombies far stronger than the previous zombies.

Lucas smiled and hugged her by comforting her. He spent some time and asked Chu the current situation of the ladies. Few minutes later, he learned the ladies are help other people by reconstructing the wall and barricade at the distance. Also, Chu learned the situation of the captives and she went to Jessie. Then, Chu hugged her since she understood her though she was betrayed by the same person, but she believe her and willing to gave her a chance to fixed everything.

Lucas saw Chu forgive her even her thinking is naive, but he believe her and Jessie won't do anything stupid since she know the feeling being betrayed by someone. Then, Lucas visit the rest of the ladies and help them during there reconstruction. Also, due to the unexpected situation he decided to rest for few more days while checking Patricia situation through system map her last little lover.


Middle of the night.

Lucas woke up from his sleep and went to the some place to meditate. After, his meditation he looked at sky looking at the moon. He said "Opening reward."


[Event Quest completed: S+


• 2 random skill and LoL skill

- Pinnacle of Intelligence (passive) lvl max

- Wind walk (passive) lvl max

- Physic innate (Pokémon world) lvl --

- Living shadow (optimize) (optimize)

- Living forge (passive) (optimize)

• 2 special gift (s)

- Heighten sense

- Steel metal v.2 (100tons)

- black orb

- 2,000,000 gold

• 2,400,500 gold

• 1 free purchase ticket]

[General Quest completed: Ex

• 2 random skill (s)

- steel body (passive) max

- Blood manipulation

• 3 Special gift (s)

- level 3 blueprint

- A.I seed

- Advance space folding (materials)

- blade of the ruin king

- Weapon manufacturing book v.1

- Portal array

- Seven portal rings

• 2 random box

- 1 small world dimension space

- Sealed long spear]

[Emergency Quest created: S+

• 1 random skill

- Massage skill

- Meru Meru no Mi

• Item in Naruto world: S rank

- Wooden style jutsu]

Lucas smiled at the list of reward he received. When he saw a gold deduction due to force skill purchase. He shake his head in disappointment and want to return, but a sudden notification appeared.


[Synchronization was activated, synchronizing all some skill for better result...]


[Host! was advised by the system to hide somewhere for a breakthrough will happened and some changes will happened. Since, it help to stabilize the host body from inside out.

Note: Must be isolated from any human for something will happened. Beware...]

Lucas stopped his action and decided to sit down and Meditate. He also, spread some talisman and runes around to hide his presence including precaution. He take a deep breath and he let the energy flow inside his body while checking the current stats.

During his meditation dark clouds was formed and a lightning strike his body even the lightning inside him started became violent and Lucas decided to let everything flow smoothly inside him. As, the lightning become more stronger his body started to crack and replace by new even his muscle including the bones become more stronger. When the zombies saw a strong energy they immediately run toward, but they died and became a nutrition toward Lucas. When the replenishment ended his body become more stronger and his tattoo become more darker like a mark or something.


5 hours later of torment. A stone statue started to have a crack and scattered revealing Lucas who was naked due to lightning burning his uniform. Then, smell his body and smell something and he went down looking for a place to wash.

Few minutes later, Lucas saw the changes in his body. The tattoo he received earlier become more darker, he grow for few inches including his son, his skin becoming more smooth with a fair skin even his hair grow longer.

"Rosario, did I go through metamorphosis earlier?"


A space tear and a little girl appeared around 10 year old passed the space crack. She has a flower blooming at her head with a green dress and a butterfly wings. She smiled and sit at Lucas shoulder.

"Yes! Lucas you have succeed for your 3rd metamorphosis and your body foundation become stable and stronger. Also, Lucas you're level will grow much slower later including you're stats has rebalance like earlier, but your raw power is more powerful including control against energy is more stable than before." Rosario replied while swinging it's feet. She said "So, Lucas you must checked everything including you're stats. Since, there must be a changes."

Lucas smiled aand nod his head hearing her reply. He touch her head since he can remember someone from her. Then, he looked at new quest in his front.

[General Quest: Moving fortress

Description: having a stronger transportation means the longer you live in apocalypse. Since, there is no safe place in this world unless you fly at sky or float in the sea.


_ Upgrade the Juggernaut v.1 to v.2

_ Attached a portal array for safety travel.

_ build an extension of Juggernaut (0/2)


• Blueprint of the (Ecarus) flying fortress (pick once)

• Blueprint of the (Uranus) Ship fortress (pick once)

• 1~2 special gift

Failure: None]

[General Quest: I want to be a Pokémon trainer!!

Description: You received a egg, but can't be hatch for some reason. Do I need to carried at my back?


_ Hatch the Poke egg.

_ Own a Pokémon.


•berries seed


•megastone (random)

Failure: bad egg]