Intermission: The Saint of the past...

xxxx, Francia countryside.

Francia, suffered a hundred years of war and casualties increased. As, a poverty increase the crime become common among the people living in Francia.

Then, a child living in a countryside who grow up with the love of her parents and farming. Received a vision at the age 16 from her patron. Which is to end the conflict between Francia and English. Then, she started to swing her wooden sword at hidden place. As, she grow older she encountered a wandering knight and teach her since the knight found a great potential at her.

When she age at 19, She received a new vision. Which given her a tasked to help the crown Prince from taking and give him the throne from the English. She obeyed the vision and started the journey with the wandering knight name Michael. As, they meet the crown Prince she easily obtained a permission with the help of Michael and she lead a small number of knights.

With her action the flow of war change the English kept losing at her with the knights she lead. She was born leader with a great charisma and a vow to become virgin until the end. She lead them in victorious and made the knights of Francia become stronger. She become there spiritual pillar even in her death.

In, her action people envy and fear her even the crown Prince. Then, one day the nobles of her country captured her and one of her knights betrayed her including some of her companion. During the process being captivity. Her early companion Michael died for saving her in the hands of his friend.

Once, she was captured and taken by the English. The kingdom she served leave her at enemies mercy. Since, she was feared by king having both capacity being a leader and charisma. She tortured to forsake her belief and burn her in the steak calling her heresy by the people she sworn to protect and mocked by the enemies who mocked her in her death. In, her last breath of he life. She called the name of her patron and said "Forgive them."


"My child I heard your plead."

"Are you God? You're not same like in the painting nor statue." She asked.

"You mean Him? I'm Gaia my duty is to maintain the balance of the world while the One you keep calling is the Savior of every lost soul." Gaia replied in her question. She looked at her and smiled.

"I'm the one who asked you and received my blessing." She said and pointed her heart she continued "The 'Pure heart' which is rare even among the people who received my blessing."


Century later,

She saw the rise and fall of every countries while cultivating her pure heart. Also, she learned from Gaia the day will come humanity will face extinction and during that day she must search her King a person. Who has a power enough and capable saving the humanity in the last moment.

In her curiosity she asked "How did you know?"

"Because, I feel it since the earth is under my domain." She replied.

One day in her peaceful life always has ended. Gaia saw a portal opened inside in her domain. She realized someone betrayed her and they invade her territory. She fight back in despair for she realized the Invaders are the Abyss. In, the last moment before she will be sealed. Gaia sent half of her divine power together with the little soul. Then, Gaia kept them hidden until the destruction of Terra happened. Gaia smiled at her and said.

"Joan, please save Terra and search for yourself a new king and help him to save the world from it's destruction. Go my daughter, Joan."

Joan was sent to Terra and the last thing she saw at Gaia. She was sealed and imprison by her enemies. Let the balance of the world weaken and put the whole world in chaos.


Decade later,

Terra faced a 2nd Baptism of the crimson sun.

In, some place in one church believed the remained of the Saint was hidden. Then, the whole building shake and next moment a coffin was opened.

A, lady at her 19 sit down and groan. Her skin was pale with a bluish veins in her body and her eyes are red with a black and white hair. She is become more beautiful since she received Gaia blessing.

"So, I revived from my death, but not like some zombies I retain my reasoning like human. Since, the pure heart I put into effort has take effect and help to control myself." She said and stand up while looking around. She whispered

"I must search for my king and looked him with my abilities."

Then, she started her travel searching for her king.