The Secret of the safe zone

Inside the room.

A man and woman hugging another while resting at the top of the bed. From there hour of passion since the ladies leave Lucas at the hands of Patricia. Also, they know she was worried at her oldest son who was in vacation somewhere.

"Patricia, are you still thinking at your son, Peter?" Lucas said while caressing her back.

"Yes! Lucas I'm worried about him, but I have no strength to travel across Francia even to reach the border." Patricia replied while nestling her head at his chest.

"Joined the fleet and I will help you to search at your son, but I think he will kill me once he saw me together with you." Lucas said. Since, he can remember their last meeting was almost a bloody event. Patricia who heard his concern laughed at his last tragedy together with her son. She know her oldest son has a mother complex and he is good at combat.

"How funny even so I'm relieved you're here and Lucas what will you do in this place? Since, there is something in this place." She said.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, but during the last 3 days a zombie wave invade our place and we almost lost our lives. Then, we saw a light release and covered this place and the zombies who are hostile died instantly including mutant animals leaving Barney. Which made this place a safe zone." Patricia answered his curiosity.


Few hours later,

Lucas informed Jessie and rest of his companion about the information he received from Patricia. As, he rest while thinking about the information. A space cracked happened and a little girl at the age around 7-9 years old flapping her wings wearing a green dress with a flower at her and a butterfly fly wings. When Lucas saw her appearance he asked in confusion. "Rosario?"

"*Giggling~* yes! Lucas are you happy we meet once again?" Rosario replied and sit at Lucas shoulder and kissed his cheek.

"Well yes... You're become more beautiful, but how did you grow up. I thought fairies don't grow since they're spirit." Lucas asked.

"Because, of the energy you collected including my skills like camouflage and space manipulation increased my proficiency. Also, I unlocked some new skills. *Giggling~*" Rosario replied at his question. She looked around and said "Also, Lucas I felt a strong holy energy around and I believe it came from an artifact causing zombies to be weaken or died once they saw there bloodlust. Also, around this place I detected a holder of 'pure heart.' This zombie is like Clark, but he/she is different from Clark."

Lucas frowned look at Rosario in curiosity. He know 'pure heart' is a unique mutation or blessing made every zombies to have there own consciousness including they're free to moved at their own free will. As, they have conversations and exchanging information. The door was opened and his little lover entered the room.

Lucas little lover saw a little girl with butterfly wings sitting at Lucas shoulder. They're stunned and felt weird for some reason. Jane asked him in vigilant "Lucas, I need your explanation. Who is she?"

Lucas smiled at her and replied "She was a fairy sent by Gaia to be guide and assistance. Also, her specialty is looking at old relics, artifact and rare creatures."

Lucas told them about a half-truth about Rosario existence. Since, he can't explained the system and he decided to used Gaia's name. Which part of his blessing he received at the first day of apocalypse. During his explanation his little lover believed him and somehow at their heart something is missing at his explanation.


The children gathered together including the children saved earlier. They played games while arguing about something. Among the children Jairah and Monica joined the rest. Then, one of the children yelled "Let's play hide and seek!"

Both Jairah and Monica looked at the child with weird expression even the twins. Since, it almost night and it was not safe to played some games especially hide and seek. The other children looked at him in fear for he was a bully child since he has a father. In, their fear some of the children raise there hand in fear. Since, they also heard from adults there is no zombie in this place for this area is a safe zone.

"Hey! don't mess around since almost night and their is no adult guarding us." Lex shouted reminding them the current situation. He didn't like them for they're keep causing troubles at the Survivors fleet.

"Heh! Be quite dumb Lex... Since, you have no right to told us the things we want to do." One of Child replied at him. Then, he looked at Lex's companion in envy. Since, they have cool zombies and golden lion guarding them. Also, they know Lucas the leader of Survivors fleet.

They laughed at Lex, but they didn't do anything for fearing bad luck will hit them. Also, some of the children bow their head in sorry and some of them decided not to involved at them.

"Let's go!! the last person touched the tree will play seeker. Go!"


Few minutes later, A group of children play hide and seek. Then, a certain group of them entered a weird place and found some talisman paper, Mask, Mirror, Totem, etc.

As, they looked around one of the children pointed a crystal totem. They're amazed and one of the children want to touch it and they tried to stopped him.

"Stopped!! don't touch it..."

At his yell one of the child jumped out From fear and touch the totem. Next moment they saw the crystal totem dropped at the ground.
