Crystal Totem

Lucas and his little lover felt the changes of the surrounding. He immediately contact Shigo through his soul link and asked the current situation of his two little princess. He was relieved upon hearing both of them are safe and learned a group of children played hide and seek around the subdivision.

When he learned the current situation his lips twitch and looked at the distance. He has a guess this thing happened was caused by the children who played hide and seek despite of warning. He looked at his little lover and said "Jane sent some people and rescue those children. Mariam contact the force to prepare for battle including you Cynthia and Chu both of you must joined them. Rein go with me and use the shadow wolf to trace and search the artifact. Since, there must be a child in that place."

All of them agreed and respond from his order. They immediately dispatch some people to rescue the children. When the parents of the Survivors heard and learned their children played hide and seek. Also, believed they're the caused of this incident. The rest of the people looked at them in contempt, but they didn't say anything. Since securing the place is a must and follow the lead of there representative.


Lucas, Rein and Rosario moved around while searching for any sign. As, they travel and found a odd building with greenhouse building attached at the house. Rosario, pointed the building and said "Lucas did you feel some remnant of life aura in that place."

Lucas nod his head since he received the Gaia's blessing. He became more familiar at the energy produce life and holy energy. He looked at Rein and said "Rein send the shadow wolves around the building. I believe we can found a clue in that place."

"Okay!" Rein replied.


A pack of shadow wolves appeared at her shadow and they moved toward the odd building. Lucas looked at the new notification appeared at his sight. When Rein sent pack of wolves earlier and felt something bad will knock at the door.

[Emergency Quest created

Description: An artifact founded by an Archeologist and believe the artifact was blessed by the God. Which given him luck, but it was damage a wrath of God will descent.


_ Collect the Artifact

_ Repair or covert it in shop

_ Defeat the ancient warrior


_ Collect other Relic (0/10)

_ Earn gold shop from the Relic (0/1,000,000)

_ Defeat the ancient warrior within 5 minutes.


• 1~3 gifts

• 1~4 two way portal

• 2~4 random box

• 1,000,000 gold

• 1,000,000 experience


• Death of the half from the Survivors fleet.

• Death of someone close to host

Good luck!]


Rein who witness everything through the view of her shadow wolves held her mouth and vomit. Because, what she saw below was not a simple collector, but a Psychopath who collected human parts. She continued to search and leave the collection room of human parts. Later she discovered a antique collection with variety of different materials from painting, mask, statue, etc. During her investigation she found a broken crystal totem and three dried bodies. She saw a person wearing a feathered helmet with a colorful spear at it's side and weird club weapon attached at his back. Then, the statue opened it's eyes and looked directly at Rein's eye.

She immediately opened her eyes and retreat the shadow wolves. She looked at Lucas with a pale face and said "Lucas I found a weird warrior like some natives of Columbus or an ancient warrior of Hawai'i."

"How this is Europe and not Columbus." Lucas asked while his lips smiled at excitement. Since, he heard every warrior at Hawai'i has its own Lua.

"I don't know, but I know the owner of that house is a die hard collector even human organs are not spared." Rein replied in bitterness. Once she remember the things she witness.


Few minutes later,

Lucas went inside the building by following the path created by the shadow wolves and lead them to the antique room. They also traveled across at organ room. Lucas saw everything he frown and muttered "The owner of this place is a real collector even organs are included at it's collection."

As, Lucas guess there is another door leaded to antique room. Since, he saw another pathway during his travel an he saw a entrance of antique room. He draw his long sword and short sword. When he entered the room...

He saw an undead koa warrior. He smiled at excitement and looked around. The Koa warrior opened it's eyes and saw a new intruder, it's release the killing intent as a warning. He made a sound for his enemy was stronger than it thought.


Lucas charged at the Koa warrior and the Koa warrior smash it's club. Then, throw the spear toward him.


Koa warrior use the shield and depend from the attack while Lucas dodge from the spear. Next moment he was smash by the club and found a blood flow from the it's body. He was confused since he know devil fruit are not easy to deal with unless he/she was a devil fruit user, Hake user or the weapon has substance of seastone. Then, he used the appraisal skill and shocked at the truth.

[Sharktooth club

Durability: 400/500

Description: A weapon blessed by the sea and contain it's power to fought evil. Since, then the weapon become mysterious for releasing a strange energy. Especially the weapons blessed by goddess of sea Nāmaka.]