Part 30

After what happened. Emma immediately went to her apartment.

She walk inside and then she went towards her closet and grab her clothes and put it inside her luggage.

She needs to get out of here. Her father must already find out the truth.

Her hands are shaking in fear while putting her clothes in her luggage. she doesn't want to trouble Alexender so she didn't inform her anythings till now .

After a few minutes. She grab her car keys and passport and went towards the door to leave.

The moment she open her door. Her whole body froze as she widens her eyes in shock and in fear at the person in front of her.

The person who she does not want to see.

But here he is now. Standing outside her door with his hands inside his pocket and his eyes were emotionless but she knew what behinds that emotionless eyes.Behind him is two other men. And she knew them. They were the one who always locked her up in her room before.

" Looks like your running away. "

The man said in a deep yet dangerous voice as it sent shiver run down her spine.

" Dad.. "

She said in a low voice while tears are forming in her eyes in fear.Her father's emotionless eyes just stare at her before he signal his men and they drag her towards his car.


Cable keep himself busy that time in order to stop himself from missing her even more.

He wanted to see her now but he couldn't. Emma already explained him everything but his minds is shouting to just move on and let go.

But his heart is shouting to come to her and be with her again.

Cable sigh in frustration."I already hurt her countless times! What if she does not accept me anymore?

Cable's thought as he massages his temple. He was thinking to just let go of each other. But his heart wanted to be with her.

He thinks of a possible thing that will happen if he will just forget her and move on. His eyes darken at the thought of Emma with another guy.If he will let go of her she will love someone else. That is for sure. But will he let it happen? Can he endure seeing the woman who he loves already loves someone else?

Cable sigh and ruffle his hair in frustration.

" F*ck! "

He cursed before he stood up and walk towards the door.

He doesn't care anymore if he'll get hurt again or if she'll leave hom again.

He will come to her and confess everything. He still loves her and he will never let her go again.He will not let her leave him again. If he needs to lock her up in his room then he will in order for her to stay with him.

Before Cable could get closer. His door suddenly open with a loud thud and he saw Alex who is really furious as he look at him. Behind him is his secretary who looks scared and worried.

Cable's jaw and fist are clenched while he had those dangerous eyes as he look at him.

Before he could ask him, Alex already dash towards him.

" You! "

Alex shouted as he punch him in the face causing Cable to fall down on the floor.

He look at Alex in confuse and shock." Alex? What's wrong with you? "

" You f*cking ask me what is wrong with me?! You're my f*cking problem! You bastard! "

He shouted before he dashes towards him and got on top of him before he punches him non-stop.

He doesn't even know why he's punching him out of nowhere.

His face is starting to get bleed by Alex's punches but he doesn't seem to care and continue on punching him.

His secretary was shouting and screaming for help.

" Alex! Stop it!! "

He heard secretary voice as he grab Alex and stop him from hitting him even more.

" Let me go!! I will f*cking kill this bastard! "

Are ok sir secretary asked

" No. I'm fine,. "

He said and wipe some blood on his nose and mouth. Then he look at Alex who is still looking at him angrily .

" What the f*ck is your problem?! "cable glared at him

He shouted while glaring at him. Alex scoff and laugh sarcastically." Don't act innocent! You know what you had done!! "

His word made him confuse.

" I honestly do not know what you're talking about, Alex! "

Cable shouted back. Alex gritted his teeth in anger.

" You! You hurt Emma! You hurt her you f*cking bastard! I told you to never hurt her! But you still did! I will kill you! "

Alex shouted and tried to dash towards him but they stop him.

Now he knew why he's mad.

" What happens between me and Emma is none of your business! "

Alex jaw clenched as his eyes darken even more.

" It matters to me because she's my sister my best friend .you're mad at her for leaving you but that doesn't mean that you should do that to her too!! You don't know what happened to her Cable! "

Alex shouted in anger.

" After everything she had done just to see you again and this is what she will get in return?! You f*cking used her and worse you hurt her and dumped her! You do not deserve her nor your child! "

Alex shouted in anger as Cable froze and widen his eyes in shock.

Did I h-hear it right?

" See? See how cruel you are! You even abandon your own child! You are an asshole! "

Alex continue on shouting at him while he couldn't even move and speak in shock.

E-Emma is p-pregnant??

" S-She's pregnant? "

Cable asked in a low voice as Alex scoffed." Now you are asking me that?! You are unbelievable! Let me go, ! "

Alex shouted while trying to free himself from his secretary grip.

" No! If I let you go you will only hurt him even more, Alex. "

" He deserve it! After what he had done to her. he deserve all of it! I said let me go I said ! "

This time Alex said through his gritted teeth making him let him go immediately.Alex then look at him with death glares." I hope you'll realize what you had done. You will regret it. "

Alex said in a cold tone before he walk outside his office.

Cable just stood there while still thinking about everything.

A tear flow down his eyes as he remember how he hurt Emma before. He regret it.

Now, he's having a child with her. He's happy but the same time he felt his heart shattered in pain.

He regret hurting her. He shouldn't had let his emotion control him. If anything happens to Emma and to his child. He will never forgive himself.

"I have to find her."