Part 31

Cable Pov

Cable park his car outside her apartment as Alex told him the place she lived. he immediately run towards her house and he knock on her door.

" Emma! Emma! Open the door! "

He shouted while banging the door but there was no response.

He knock a couple of times but there was no response.

" Emma, I know you are mad at me. Look, I'm sorry. Please let me in and let's talk. Please.. "

Cable beg while tears is forming in his eyes. When there was no answer again, he grab his phone on his pocket and call her.

But there was no answer. Cable gritted his teeth in anger before he knock on her door again.

" Emma! Open the door or else I'll force myself inside! "

He continue on knocking while calling her name.

" No one is inside. "

Cable stopped when he heard a voice of a woman. He turn around and he saw an old lady in her late ." What? "

The old lady sigh before she pointed Emma apartment.

" The woman who stays there is not there anymore. I saw her being dragged by 3 men. "

The information made him froze in fear and worry. He knew what she meant. It must be her father.

His jaw clenched as his eyes darken in anger.

" That must be her father.. "

He mumbled while clenched his fist tight. The old lady look at him in confuse.

" Thank you for the information. "

He bow to the old lady before he walk towards his car and drove off somewhere.


The next day cable still couldn't find her anywhere. So an idea came into his mind.

There are only few people who can help him find emma.

Cable car stop at the Alex house. He walk inside and knock on the door a couple of times before it open.

He walk inside without greeting the maid. He went straight to the living room and he saw Alex wife Maggie cooking in kitchen .

He clear his throat to get their attention .

" cable, what are you doing here? "

maggie asked as she face him.

" I am here because I'm hoping that you know where Emma is. I went to her apartment but the woman said she was not there anymore and that she was dragged by three men. "Maggie gasp and cover her mouth in shock.

" Oh my god! That must be her father. Oh no.. he must've found out already.

Then someone walk inside the living room. His eyes laid on that person and he saw Alex.

" What are you doing here? "

alex asked in a cold tone while glaring at him.

" I am here to look for emma. "

Alex scoffed.

" i am already looking for her. don't need your help. "

he said coldly making his fist tightened." Weather you need my help or not. I am still going to find her. "

" What for? "

alex asked sarcastically." So you can hurt her even more? "

Alex laugh sarcastically." I know you are mad at me Alex but this is not the time for us to fight. Emma needs us. She needs me! "

Alex jaw clenched.

" Do you think she still needs you after what you had done to her?! Get out! "

He shouted angrily.

" No! I am not going anywhere until I find her. She already left me once and I won't let her disappear in my life again. "

Alex look at him in disbelief.

" You could have just thought about that sooner before you hurt her! You gave her a reason to hate you and you deserve it! You know what? I think it will be better if she won't ever comeback. At least in this way. You can't hurt her. "

Alex said coldly while giving him a death glare.Cable went silent for a minute. Alex is right. He gave her a reason to hate him and now he'll pay for it forever.

He made a big mistake but everyone deserve a second chance. If Emma will give it to him, he'll promise that he won't waste it and he'll cherish and love her forever.

After all, he is also a human and he made a mistake.

" I know what I did was wrong but I think I deserve a second chance.. "

He said in a low voice and look down. Alex scoff and rolled his eyes.

" She gave you many chances already but you wasted it. "

Alex reply coldly and look away. Cable lifted his head up and stare at Alex.

" I am a human too, Alex. I make mistakes. We all do. I know you know the words 'We learn from our mistakes' we all know that. And that is what I feel now. I learned but I am full of regrets and pain because of what I had done. "

Cable said in a teary eyes as Alex look at him with no emotion Maggie just stay silent as she listen to Cable.

What if you made a mistake and you regret it but y/n doesn't want to be with you again and she left you forever. "

Alex's eyes darken as he stare at him while gritting his teeth.

" What the f*ck are you talking about? This has nothing to do with my wife! "

He raises his voice angrily.

" See? Just thinking of your wife leaving you is hurting you already. What more if she will really do it. "

Alex eyes darken even more as he walks towards him and ready to punch him but maggie blocked him .

" Alex stop! Cable already had enough! No more fights! "

Alex eyes glare at her.

" Don't involve my wife in your problem. She has nothing to do with this. And for your f*cking information, she will never leave me because she loves me. "

Alex said through his gritted teeth.

" That's enough, Alex and cable. Please! This is not the right time to fight. Remember, Emma needs our help. "

Emma is our top priority now. We need to find her or else something will happen to her. "

Maggie said making him frown in confusion." What do you mean, maggie? What do you mean by something will happen to her? "

He asked in confuse while his heart is beating too fast in nervousness." We thought Emma ran away after she told me everything. But it turns out, her father forced her to come with him in Italy. And what worse is. He is planning to marry her off at any cost, Emma told me that her father forced her in a political marriage , what if he abort the baby and forced her to marry alexander . "

Maggie said while tears forming in her eyes.

"alexander ??" cable whisper

"yes he is the one who helped her to come to you , he is her friend ." Maggie said .

Cable's whole body froze as he felt his heart beating too fast in worry and fear.

No, He don't want to loose her . he won't let him hurt Emma or his baby. He have to save them before he will have the chance to hurt them both.

Cable clenched his hands into fist as his eyes filled in anger at the thought of Emma suffering in her father's hands.

" I have to find her. "

He said before he left the mansion.


After Cable left the Alex house . He got a call from his private investigator and he inform him about Emma .

His private investigator couldn't find her. All he know was. Emma in Italy but he couldn't find any information where she lives.

His private investigator said that he's been searching everywhere and even asked some people but there is still no sign of her.

There's a high possibility that her father locked her up in her room again just like what he had done to her before.

Cable's hand are clenched into fist when he found out that Emma was brought to Italy by her father.

I am sure he forced her to come with him.

He thought while clenched his jaw in anger. He grab his phone and dial someone's number.

" Hello, this is King Cable. Ready my plane. I am going to Italy tonight. "