Part 32


Emma's small body is shaking in fear the whole time. She is inside her bedroom. The room where she got locked before.

She is living in hell again. She will experience again how cruel her father is.

It's been 3 days since her father forced her to come to italy with him. She didn't dare to fight with her father especially now that she's pregnant.She doesn't want anything to happen to her baby.

With a teary eyes. Emma look around her room. She is hoping that she can escape but she found nothing.

A tear flow down in her eyes when she remember what she had overheard yesterday.

Her father is planning to abort her child. She knew this is his plan once he found out the truth but she won't let him hurt her baby.

Her father is too much. She could still remember how her father punished her. How he hurt her by his own hands. She experienced all of those by her own father.

Emma snapped out of her thoughts when the door of her bedroom open.

" Ms. Emma, it's time for your dinner. "

The maid said while carrying a tray with full of foods.

Emma did not answer and just stare at the door who is now wide open.The maid's back is facing her while she is busy placing the foods on her small table without looking at her.

Emma glance at the maid then back to the door.

This is my chance!

She thought in her mind. Emma bit her bottom lip as she slowly stood up and walk slowly towards the door without making a sound.

When she is now standing outside her door. She glance again at the maid who is talking without facing her.

Then Emma slowly walk towards the hallway and when she made it at the stairs. She look at her right and left making sure that no one is around.

Then she slowly walk downstairs without making a sound.

When she is close to the door. She heard a voice of a man coming from the living room.

" Yes....... Yeah don't worry I will handle it...... Yeah, thanks for your help. I am looking forward to meet you, Doctor. "

She heard her father's voice at the living room but Emma didn't mind as she thought that this is her chance to escape while her father is busy on the phone.

Emma's tears flow down in her eyes. Her heart shattered into pieces as she felt , how can her father can think of killing her baby .

Emma was lost in her thoughts when she felt a strong arm gripped her arm tightly making her grimace in pain.

She look at the person and she saw it's one of her father's bodyguard. Or should she say, once of that man's bodyguard." You are escaping again miss Emma. Wrong move. "

The man smirk evily before he started to drag her towards the living room where her father is.Emma tried to remove the guy's arm but he is too strong.

" Let go of me! "

She shouted while pushing the man away from her.

" Sir, your daughter here is trying to escape again. "

The man said calmly while still holding her arm. Her father slowly turn around and look at her in his emotionless eyes.

" You are really fearless, my child. "

Emma scoff and rolled her eyes.

" Child? Really? Am I really your daughter? Which father treat their daughter like this! "

She raises her voice making the man infront of her shock.

You are talking to that doctor who is going to abort my child. "

Emma said while tears is forming in her eyes.

" You know, dad? I kept on asking myself why are you being like this? What kind of a father who will kill his own grandchild?! you never care about me but the baby is innocent how can you think of killing ! "

She shouted in anger while tears is flowing down her eyes. Emma wipe her tears and look at her father in anger.

" I won't let you hurt my child. You can hurt me and hit me by your own hands but I won't let you hurt my child. Even a single touch I won't let you. Not even a chance. "

She said firmly while staring deep into her father's eyes.

The man infront of her just sigh and gesture him to bring you to your room. But you didn't move.

When she didn't move. Her father glare at her.He sigh and rub his temple.

" You know what, Emma? I don't care if you don't like it or not but you will follow what I want. Everything I am doing is for your good and for my reputation."

He said in a deep tone while glaring at her.

" I already made a decision. You will get rid of that thing in your stomach. "

He said firmly making her shook her head in disagreement while looking at him in anger.

" This is not a thing! It's a baby! My child! "

Emma raises her voice angrily making his eyes darken while gritting his teeth in anger.

" It's not your decision to make. It's mine. This is my baby so I'll decide what I want to do. I want this baby and I won't abort it. "

Emma sigh as she bit her bottom lip.

" If this is an embarrassment to you then just let me go. People don't need to know about this. If they'll ask just tell them that I run away and left you forever. And I'll make sure that I won't comeback ever again. Just let me go and let me be with my child. "

She said slowly while staring into his eyes and beg. He just stood there and did not answer.Emma didn't wait for his reply and turn her back at him and started to walk towards the door.

" No. I won't let you leave. "

He said in a deep voice making her stop and turn around to face him.

" What? "

Her father sigh.

" I won't let you leave this place. I am not that dumb, Emma. People will find out about you and that thing in your stomach. "

Emma had a confuse look on her face as she tried to process everything he had said.Then she slowly widen her eyes when she realized what he meant by that.

" Y-You mean to say-- "

" Yes. Exactly what you think. I will still continue my plan, Emma. I won't let that thing live. It will bring chaos and embarrassment to my image. "

Emma eyes is starting to get teary as she look at him in disbelief.

" Y-You are really willing to kill my child just to protect yourself from embarrassment? Y-You are so cruel! "

She raises her voice while tears is flowing down her eyes. She couldn't believe that someone is this cruel to kill an innocent child just to protect himself from embarrassment.

" I hate you! I won't let you hurt my child! You can hurt me but not my baby! I will sue you for this! "

Her father just smirk and laugh sarcastically." Really? You will sue me? How? No one will believe you, my dear daughter. "

He said sarcastically.

" I am not your daughter. You are an evil! "

She shouted and was ready to run away when the guard grip her arm making her grimace in pain.

" Let me go! Get your hands off me! "

She shouted while trying to remove his hands but he is too strong.

" Take her inside her room. Make sure to lock the door. "

Her father order his men and he nodded obediently and drag her upstairs.

" Let me go!!! "

Emma continue on shouting and trying to fight but the man is too strong. She couldn't fight back till he push her inside her room and she landed on her bed.

She look at the man then he closes the door with a loud thud making her tears flow down.

"No.. I have to escape before the doctor comes