His parents...

Once again tears formed in his eyes and he was now driving back to his house. The place where he simply hate going! He would often spend the nights at Frank's home, but now he did not even had that option.

This was the day he had realised how fickle and temporary all the relations in the world are. Not even parents care about their children and everybody is there to fulfill his or her selfish purpose.

He entered the gigantic gate of the house, which lead the way to a beautiful paved path in between the sprawling gardens of his house. The place was absolutely heavenly and apparantly seemed very positive but little did anybody know, how dark and negative its people were.

He parked the car in the porch and was about to enter the living room when he heard some people chuckling in the garden. Their was a tiny garden situated just next to the house, on which several chairs and tables were placed. This was usually the area, where his parents hosted breakfast parties and barbeques.

Jake did not go towards the garden and went inside the living room, in much anger. The large living room had glass windows all over it which overlooked the gardens outside. Jake peeked out of the window and saw around 15 couples including his parents were sitting happily around a large rectangular table, while the servants were serving them tea, breads and cookies.

"So do you plan to change his councellor again? If the symptoms are getting worse and he is getting addicted to drugs and alcohol, its time to refer to somebody else!" A lady in a white dress turned to look at Lisa.

"Ah! Yes! We have been looking for a new councellor and if that does not work, we might have to send him to a rehab centre by force. We do not want to do it, but the boy gives us no choice." Lisa spoke with much seriouseness in her voice.

"I know it is tough darling but after yesterday's experience, it is clear that his hallucinatioms are increasing. Don't you remember how last week he tried to stab himself with a knife. We need to stop acting nice with him and take strict actions." Jack's father patted his wife's back lovingly.