Fake people...

"Oh dear! That is very bad. Firstly you adopt him and pamper him as one of you own only to see his biological genes, get prominent after a certain age." A man, dressed in a casual shirt and lower spoke looking sadly at Jake's father.

"That is what. We had no idea that his father was an alcoholic too. We got to know only when Jack was already 8 years old, and even then we never even once thought of disowning him. But now, he simply does not listen to us. He is throwing away money like anything and has gotten into women and drugs." Lisa spoke in a sad tone, as if she was almost on the verge of tears.

Jack was stunned to hear everybody's words. "But... but how can that be. I have seen my birth certificates too!" Jack was now in a bigger shock as his own biological parents had told the society that he was indeed adopted and had a major drug and alcohol addiction. They wanted to save their reputation after yesterday's events and had thus come up with this idea.

He once again leaned closer to the glass window hearing the conversation.

"At times, genes matter a lot. They start showing their effect. Of course the boy looked so drunk yesterday, it was clear that he was not in his senses. Besides my Frank is a very sober boy and blaming him for something so gross is just not acceptable to me." A lady spoke looking at Lisa with much empathy. She was none other than Frank's mother who was now clearly confident about her son's ethics.

"Of course. It is all Jack's fault. The councellor had clearly told him not to drink alcohol as he is already on medications. But look at the boy, he has to do all sorts of rubbish things and then he comes with such crazy ideas due to his hallucinations. And yesterday, I was stunned that he even hit my sweet wife." Jack's father once again patted his wife's shoulder showing much love and empathy.