The angry boy..

Tears dropped down from Jack's eyes and he quickly wipped them away trying to control his anger once again. "Relax Jack! Relax! Take deep breaths. Do not get angry. You should not let them effect you. Relax!"

He was taking deep breaths now, trying to control his anger and was still standing by the window hearing the ongoing conversations.

"You poor thing. Look at you both. You both love each other so much. The boy himself has dirt in his mind! Huh! Dirty blood." Frank's father smiled looking at Jack's parents who had hugged each other sadly.

"Yes, that is true. Do not let him bother you. Or if things get worse, just send him to a mental asylum or rehab centre. Boys like him deserve it! If he stays with you, he will keep insulting you in public." Another middle aged man spoke up with much concern on his face.

"That is it!!!" Jack punched the window with much force and sprinted out of the house, walking towards the garden with much anger. He had been trying to control his anger for a very long time, but now he could no longer hold back.

He walked towards the garden and everybody gasped in shock looking at the boy. He was dressed in yesterday night's clothes, which were extremely dirty and wrinkled. His messy curly hair and red swollen eyes, made him look like he has been drinking till early in the morning.

"You all! How can you believe this couple? And who gave you a right to talk about me in a such a bad way??" Jack pointed his finger, towards the table looking at them all.

Everybody was startled looking at him and after hearing his stories they could not help but get up from their seats and take a few steps back in fear.

"Son! Go back to your room! Now! You are not needed here." Jack's father got up on his feet, walking close to Jack. He knew that the boy could not control his anger and it was just a matter of time that he would get aggressive and prove him right. But he also knew that Jack would never harm him physically except for a slap or punch; so he was not scared standing close to him.

"No! Of course not! Not till you tell everybody the truth that I am your biological son and whatever happened yesterday and whatever I spoke about mom was indeed true." The boy glanced in his father's dark eyes, with much anger.