Never Happened!

"Jack you have already insulted me enough yesterday. If not about me then you should have atleast thought about your best friend Frank! We knew you were jealous of him, but that does not mean you take revenge from him like this!" Jack's mother too stepped forwards, trying to incite the boy.

The husband and wife looked at each other and gave a light smirk, as their plan was already working. They just wanted to show the society how angry and ruthless Jack can be.

"Me jealous! What nonsense are you talking!" Jack gaped at his mother in horror.

"Really!? Is this nonsense? Did you not threaten me for money? Did you not try to stab yourself, when I refused to give you more money!? Did you not try to harm our name in society for money. Now say all this is false!!" Jack's father further stepped ahead looking in the boy's blue eyes.

Jack screamed in anger and pushed away his father in much rage. Everybody gasped in shock and came to rescue the middle aged man, who had now fallen down on the thick green grass.

Jack's mother bursted into tears and soon she was hugged by everybody present there, in much sympathy.

"Boy! Leave before I call the cops!" Jack's father turned to look at him, pointing his finger at Jack. He stood up on his feet, once again going near Jack.

"Why should I leave?? This is my house too." Jack spoke in much anger, once again trying to push his father away. But this time several men held his arm, trying to protect the middle aged man.

"You better leave Jack! We all have witnessed how you have tried to harm your father." A man holding Jack's right arm spoke in an angry tone.

Jack took deap breaths, not able to believe what had just happened. He wiped away his falling tears and ran inside the house, straight towards the stairs leading to his room. With a very heavy heart, he started packing all his stuff in the suitcases not able to believe that he would have to witness such a day in his life.

The boy had enough cash and a gigantic bank account to spend a comfortable and lavish life all alone for several years. In just another one hour he was already placing his suitcases in his car and he rapidly drove off the car out of his house. That was the day he last entered his house and saw his parents.

He had expected his parents to contact him, but it never happened. He waited for a few months and had expected that they would soon start missing him and would also change their lifestyle for him. But

... it never happened!