Walls around his heart...

In those few months, while waiting for his parents the boy had changed drastically. He worked hard in his fashion designing college to obtain a degree, but at the same time, he had started going to parties every night due to boredom. His parents would keep sending huge juicy cheques to him, and he started to collect those cheques and after a few months bought himself a house worth several millions, in one of the best areas of the New York City.

He had bought a house, but he would never really stay in it. From late night parties to going for after parties, the boy then eventually started briging girls to his place for casual hook ups. It was like he had no emotions left and he had understood that everything that ever people did was only for money, sex or drugs!

He used every girl for sex and also got into drugs for several years, after he finally left them before starting his own business. He had keen interest in women's lingeries and thus he started to design them during his college days itself. In just a few months, he had already established his own brand at a very young age and soon 'Inner beauty' became an international brand.

Today, Jack was 27, and he was excatly the same person that he became after leaving his house. The wounds still fresh after 7 years, he never really saw his parents after that incident. Only in tabloids or newspapers, he would often get to read about the gossips of their new affairs. He had no respect left for women and his anger issues were still persistant, but he never bothered to really meet a new councellor. He had a vast social circle, but he never really let anybody get too close to him. With no family and friends to guide, the man had turned into what he was today in contrast to the vulnerable and soft-hearted boy he was when he had left his house. Today he was not only the richest bachelor of States, but also number one playboy, known to have slept with several women.

It was like he had developed hard walls all around his heart and nobody was allowed to break them!